Forum Discussion
Jul 14, 2021PUBLIC PREVIEW: Announcing public preview of Azure AD joined VMs
We are excited to announce the public preview of Azure AD joined VMs support for Azure Virtual Desktop. This feature allows customers to easily deploy Azure AD joined session hosts from the Azure por...
- Jul 15, 2021End-to-end single sign-on is definitely something we are working on but isn't available in the first release due to the protocol we are using. We know how important that feature it.
Richard Harrison
Jul 24, 2021Copper Contributor
Oh - and to confirm we do have targetisaadjoined:i:1 set in rdp properties
Jul 26, 2021Richard Harrison looks like the CA policy is still triggering. Have you tried adding the "Azure Windows VM Sign-In" app to the Exclusion list to confirm you can get passed the issue? Once confirmed, we can review why adding the users to the exclusion list isn't working.