Forum Discussion

DavidBelanger's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jul 14, 2021

PUBLIC PREVIEW: Announcing public preview of Azure AD joined VMs

We are excited to announce the public preview of Azure AD joined VMs support for Azure Virtual Desktop. This feature allows customers to easily deploy Azure AD joined session hosts from the Azure portal and access them from all clients. VMs can also be automatically enrolled in Intune for ease of management. Support for storing FSLogix profiles on Azure files will be available in a future update.


Getting started:


The documentation to deploy Azure AD joined session hosts will guide you through the key steps needed to enable this functionality.

  • End-to-end single sign-on is definitely something we are working on but isn't available in the first release due to the protocol we are using. We know how important that feature it.
  • amal_azurewvd's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    DavidBelanger  Hi, I created a new host pool with AAD, it is a validation hostpool. I tried to access the AVD but getting error a "login attempt failed" error. I am trying with my UPN to login to the Azure AD VM. I have added myself as "Virtual machine user login" RBAC role but still no luck. Anyone experiencing the same issue?.

      • amal_azurewvd's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I finally got it working from webclient. I added targetisaadjoined:i:1 into customrdpproperties and it started working.
  • MarcelMeurerDE's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    That's pretty cool - even for cloud-only companies. I used the evening to build it into my community tool 😃



  • DavidBelanger 
    Can someone please explain this statement from the documentation?
    "Azure Virtual Desktop doesn't currently support single sign-on for Azure AD-joined VMs."

    The whole point of setting up Azure AD Joined VM for me is to achieve single sign on end-to-end including my apps like Office, Teams etc.


    FYI - SUPER DUPER Excited to get rid of domain controllers now ! This is great progress. Loving it.

    • Jace_A's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      JasjitChopraI think it means that users will get promoted to login twice to the service, one to the VM 

    • DavidBelanger's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
      End-to-end single sign-on is definitely something we are working on but isn't available in the first release due to the protocol we are using. We know how important that feature it.
      • Peter Meuser's avatar
        Peter Meuser
        Copper Contributor
        David, I am looking to use AVD AAD joined as base for a secure virtual workstation. Would it be an appropriate secure setup, if admins will be asked for for MFA for all cloud apps excluding „Azure Windows VM sign-in“? Therefore would attacker be able to bypass MFA to access the virtual desktop?
    • jonwbstr24's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      I believe the correct answer is, "This preview version ... Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities." when it leaves preview, or during the preview that capability might be added.
    • MarcelMeurerDE's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I'm also interested to have a good story to consult customers to use AVD (Flexibility) and Windows365 (Simplicity). I guess that one important point is the price of W365 (which I don't know)
