Forum Discussion

Dharani_Raj's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 29, 2025

Teams addin missing in Classic outlook in Azure virtual desktop

Hello Everyone!

We have both classic and new teams installed in our AVD environment, Win11 Multisession. Since we have updated our AVD machines with the new image, we noticed that it does not have the Teams add-in in classic Outlook. We already checked in com-addins, but Teams was not listed there.

Do any of you also face the same issue?

Can you please help us understand how we can get the Teams Addin back in the classic Outlook?

We are using the source image plan "win11-23h2-avd-m365," which has this issue.

Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you


  • Hi Axel, 

    Thank you for your response! It looks like I came to your response a little late. I already found the solution with this link, which has the script that you can directly deploy to install the addin.

    New Microsoft Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

    With the latest Teams versions, they got rid of those registries and made it simpler with one. The above link will give you more information.

    But I'm very happy to get so many helps on this topic. Thank you, Axel and everyone. I truly appreciate all your help. <3


    If (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator') ){
        Write-Error "Need to run as administrator. Exiting.."
        exit 1
    # Get Version of currently installed new Teams Package
    if (-not ($NewTeamsPackageVersion = (Get-AppxPackage -Name MSTeams).Version)) {
        Write-Host "New Teams Package not found. Please install new Teams from ."
        exit 1
    Write-Host "Found new Teams Version: $NewTeamsPackageVersion"
    # Get Teams Meeting Addin Version
    if (-not ($TMAVersion = (Get-AppLockerFileInformation -Path $TMAPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Publisher).BinaryVersion))
        Write-Host "Teams Meeting Addin not found in $TMAPath."
        exit 1
    Write-Host "Found Teams Meeting Addin Version: $TMAVersion"
    # Install parameters
    $TargetDir = "{0}\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\{1}\" -f ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)},$TMAVersion
    $params = '/i "{0}" TARGETDIR="{1}" /qn ALLUSERS=1' -f $TMAPath, $TargetDir
    # Start the install process
    write-host "executing msiexec.exe $params"
    Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $params
    write-host "Please confirm install result in Windows Eventlog"


  • AxelGlzs31's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I had the same issue, and here’s how I fixed it:
    On your master image:
     1. Create the following registry keys:

    New-Item -Path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins” -Name “TeamsAddin.FastConnect” -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
    New-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\TeamsAddin.FastConnect” -Type “DWord” -Name “LoadBehavior” -Value 3 -force
    New-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\TeamsAddin.FastConnect” -Type “String” -Name “Description” -Value “Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office” -force
    New-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\TeamsAddin.FastConnect” -Type “String” -Name “FriendlyName” -Value “Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office” -force

     2. Reinstall the ‘Teams Meeting Add-in’ in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\”
     You can find the program in “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_24277.3507.3205.5228_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe”

    3. Execute this PowerShell script via GPO:

    # Define the necessary file paths. 
    $regsvr32Path = "C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe" 
    $dllPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.24.25702.0\x64\Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll" 
    # Run the command to register the DLL. 
    Start-Process -FilePath $regsvr32Path -ArgumentList "/n /s /i:user `"$dllPath`"" -NoNewWindow -Wait 
    Write-Output "DLL successfully registered."

    • Dharani_Raj's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Axel, 

      Thank you for your response! It looks like I came to your response a little late. I already found the solution with this link, which has the script that you can directly deploy to install the addin.

      New Microsoft Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn

      With the latest Teams versions, they got rid of those registries and made it simpler with one. The above link will give you more information.

      But I'm very happy to get so many helps on this topic. Thank you, Axel and everyone. I truly appreciate all your help. <3


      If (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator') ){
          Write-Error "Need to run as administrator. Exiting.."
          exit 1
      # Get Version of currently installed new Teams Package
      if (-not ($NewTeamsPackageVersion = (Get-AppxPackage -Name MSTeams).Version)) {
          Write-Host "New Teams Package not found. Please install new Teams from ."
          exit 1
      Write-Host "Found new Teams Version: $NewTeamsPackageVersion"
      # Get Teams Meeting Addin Version
      $TMAPath = "{0}\WINDOWSAPPS\MSTEAMS_{1}_X64__8WEKYB3D8BBWE\MICROSOFTTEAMSMEETINGADDININSTALLER.MSI" -f $env:programfiles,$NewTeamsPackageVersion
      if (-not ($TMAVersion = (Get-AppLockerFileInformation -Path $TMAPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Publisher).BinaryVersion))
          Write-Host "Teams Meeting Addin not found in $TMAPath."
          exit 1
      Write-Host "Found Teams Meeting Addin Version: $TMAVersion"
      # Install parameters
      $TargetDir = "{0}\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\{1}\" -f ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)},$TMAVersion
      $params = '/i "{0}" TARGETDIR="{1}" /qn ALLUSERS=1' -f $TMAPath, $TargetDir
      # Start the install process
      write-host "executing msiexec.exe $params"
      Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $params
      write-host "Please confirm install result in Windows Eventlog"


      • Chris_toffer0707's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        I had to insert a few lines of code to make sure the addin was uninstalled first, because in my case I was using a golden image VM, and the current user running the script as admin, already had the addin installed. 


        try {
            $params = '/qn /x "{0}"' -f $TMAPath
        Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $params
            write-host "Error uninstalling Teams Meeting Addin. Most likely it is not installed in current users context."

        I know it is not very pretty but it works. 

        But now it works and deployment of session hosts works with the Teams Meeting add-in present to users. 

  • marc_kuhn's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    We had a similar issue and discovered, that we have made a change in a config profile for Outlook Add-Ins. When we started Outlook we have had a message regarding a certificate, which was not trusted.

    If you have that kind of settings which restrict Add-Ins it's worth to check that.

    • Dharani_Raj's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Marc,

      Thank you for the response! I don't remember having such a configuration in our environment. But I'll definitely dig that up and see if I missed anything :)

  • Worth trying below before contact Microsoft support:


    • Uninstall and Reinstall the Teams Add-in:
      • Go to Settings > Apps > Installed Apps.
      • Search for the Teams Meeting Add-in and uninstall it.
      • Close Outlook and Teams.
      • Restart Teams, which should reinstall the add-in.
      • Open Outlook again to check if the add-in appears.
    • Check Add-In Settings in Outlook:
      • Open Outlook and go to File > Options > Add-Ins.
      • Ensure that the Teams add-in is enabled.
    • Dharani_Raj's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Kidd_Ip, 

      Thank you so much for your response.

      We do not see Teams meeting add-in in the installed apps and neither we see it in outlook Add-In settings :( 

      But I found the .msi of the add-in in "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_24295.617.3267.357_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftTeamsMeetingAddinInstaller.msi"

      For now, I'll find a way to install it through a script. Please let me know if you get any more ideas, thank you so much!

      • dloveless's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        This article covers how to install it and includes a script.
        New Microsoft Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) - Microsoft Teams - Teams Meeting add-in | Microsoft Learn
        Essentially, the idea is to install the TMA (Teams Meeting add-in) with the ALLUSERS=1 switch (or if you run the GUI, select All Users).  The last time I ran this script it couldn't find the installer (I think it was looking in Program Files x86, but on Windows 11 it's in Program Files), so I had to locate it and run it manually.
        Once the TMA is installed for all users the trick to ensure this installs for users and shows up in Outlook correctly is that once the user logs in (for the first time only), ensure Teams is launched before Outlook because once Teams runs, it will install the TMA, and then when Outlook is launched it will load.  You can get it to work if Outlook runs first, but I found this to be the cleanest way.
