Forum Discussion
May 04, 2021What's new in Windows Virtual Desktop for April 2021
We have just updated our What's new in Windows Virtual Desktop document for changes made to the service in April 2021.
Use the Start VM on Connect feature (preview) in the Azure portal
You can now configure Start VM on Connect (preview) in the Azure portal. With this update, users can access their VMs from the Android and macOS clients. To learn more, see Start VM on Connect.
Required URL Check tool
The Windows Virtual Desktop agent, version 1.0.2944.400 includes a tool that validates URLs and displays whether the virtual machine can access the URLs it needs to function. If any required URLs are accessible, the tool will list them so you can unblock them, if needed. Learn more at our Safe URL list.
Updates to the Azure portal UI for Windows Virtual Desktop
Here's what changed in the latest update of the Azure portal UI for Windows Virtual Desktop:
- Fixed an issue that caused an error to appear when retrieving the session host while drain mode is enabled.
- Upgraded the Portal SDK to version 7.161.0.
- Fixed an issue that caused the resource ID missing error message to appear in the User Sessions tab.
- The Azure portal now shows detailed sub-status messages for session hosts.
April 2021 updates for Teams on Windows Virtual Desktop
Here's what's new for Teams on Windows Virtual Desktop:
- Added hardware acceleration for video processing of outgoing video streams for Windows 10-based clients.
- When joining a meeting with both a front facing camera and a rear facing or external camera, the front facing camera will be selected by default.
- Resolved an issue that made Teams crash on x86-based machines.
- Resolved an issue that caused striations during screen sharing.
- Resolved an issue that prevented meeting members from seeing incoming video or screen sharing.
MSIX app attach is now generally available
MSIX app attach for Windows Virtual Desktop has now come out of public preview and is available to all users. Learn more about MSIX app attach at our TechCommunity announcement.
The macOS client now supports Apple Silicon and Big Sur
The macOS Windows Virtual Desktop client now supports Apple Silicon and Big Sur. The full list of updates is available in What's new in the macOS client.
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