Forum Discussion

TomHickling's avatar
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Mar 02, 2021

What's new in Windows Virtual Desktop for February 2021

We have just updated our What's new in Windows Virtual Desktop document for changes made to the service in February.


Here's what changed in February 2021.

Portal experience

We've improved the Azure portal experience in the following ways:

  • Bulk drain mode on hosts in the session host grid tab.
  • MSIX app attach is now available for public preview.
  • Fixed host pool overview info for dark mode.

EU metadata storage now in public preview

We're now hosting a public preview of the Europe (EU) geography as a storage option for service metadata in Windows Virtual Desktop. Customers can choose between West or North Europe when they create their service objects. The service objects and metadata for the host pools will be stored in the Azure geography associated with each region. To learn more, read our blog post announcing the public preview.

Teams on Windows Virtual Desktop plugin updates

We've improved video call quality on the Windows Virtual Desktop plugin by addressing the most commonly reported issues, such as when the screen would suddenly go dark or the video and sound desynchronized. These improvements should increase the performance of single-video view with active speaker switching. We also fixed an issue where hardware devices with special characters weren't available in Teams.

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