Forum Discussion

Mads Thormann Villesen's avatar
Mads Thormann Villesen
Copper Contributor
Aug 30, 2016

Move Onenote Classroom from one teachers OneDrive to another teachers OneDrive



Is it possibel to move a OneNote Classroom from one Onedrive to another?


When a teacher is taking over at class, it would be nice if the OneNote Classroom-files could be moved as well, especially if the old teacher have chosen to stop at the school.



Mads Villesen

  • Mike Platvoet's avatar
    Mike Platvoet
    Sep 01, 2016

    Just adding another teacher will not move the file to another teacher's Onedrive.

    The reason that he still has access is because the file is still on his OneDrive. When a teacher is leaving school, and a class notebook is on his Onedrive which you want to move then you should follow this procedure:

    1. Have the leaving teacher share the folder where the class notebooks are stored (or let an admin do this).

    2. The new teacher should create a new class notebook and add the students from the class.

    3. Copy all student files from the shared folder from the leaving teacher to the new notebook location. The easiest way to do this is by using the "Open with explorer" feature in Internet Explorer.

    4. When all files have been copied, delete or archive the old Class Notebook.


  • From the Office Blog: "Teacher Transfer Powershell script—Last month, we published a script and code sample to allow IT admins and partners to transfer ownership of a Class Notebook from one teacher to another. We put this script out to be used with the intention that this functionality will be built into Office 365 SharePoint Admin in the near future. To learn more, check out GitHub."
  • Norbert Hardt's avatar
    Norbert Hardt
    Brass Contributor

    I'd rather in the setup choose classroom rather then ODfB, if you're a teacher with some subject teaching for a class, this creates a group for subject-teacher-pupilsoftheclass and contains also for every group a class onenote. When teachers leave, just attach the new one to that group.

    • rdza's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      This script and One Note API is great and all except Teachers don't know how to write code!!!!!! Microsoft......can we input the tools to transfer OneNote Class Notebook Ownership to another teacher? It is a HUGE request from every blog and community I've researched. Why are you rolling out all these NEW unseen tools when the current ones don't do everything that they SHOULD do? Here is an Option "<Transfer Ownership (One Note ClassNotbook)> "Old Teachers Email to NewTeachers Email"? It should be that easy. Why does Google have this down in G Suite and they have horrible Enterprise tools?  Come on Microsoft, we have been waiting for this feature for 3 years. Please fix what you already have!

      • Rebekka Aalbers-de Jong's avatar
        Rebekka Aalbers-de Jong
        Iron Contributor

        rdza: because of this issue I would recommend using Teams for Education. The classroom Team contains a OneNote Class Notebook that is stored in a SharePoint site instead of the OneDrive of a user. If you change teachers, the new teacher gets full rights and the rights of the old teacher are revoked. Exactly how you want it in my oppinion.

  • W.K. Lai's avatar
    W.K. Lai
    Brass Contributor

    Haven't tried this myself, but have u tried adding another teacher to the classroom and removing the intitial teacher?

    • Mads Thormann Villesen's avatar
      Mads Thormann Villesen
      Copper Contributor
      It did not work. The OneNote-file remain in the OneDrive of the teacher who created it. He even has access after he is removed as a teacher.
      • Mike Platvoet's avatar
        Mike Platvoet
        Steel Contributor

        Just adding another teacher will not move the file to another teacher's Onedrive.

        The reason that he still has access is because the file is still on his OneDrive. When a teacher is leaving school, and a class notebook is on his Onedrive which you want to move then you should follow this procedure:

        1. Have the leaving teacher share the folder where the class notebooks are stored (or let an admin do this).

        2. The new teacher should create a new class notebook and add the students from the class.

        3. Copy all student files from the shared folder from the leaving teacher to the new notebook location. The easiest way to do this is by using the "Open with explorer" feature in Internet Explorer.

        4. When all files have been copied, delete or archive the old Class Notebook.

