Forum Discussion

cdang2325's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 09, 2021

Page deletion and recovery managment



I see that in the collaboration spaces anyone  from the collaboration group can delete a page and make it unrecoverable for the rest of the team. Is there any way to prevent that? Is there any way to prevent students deleting pages or at least to be able for the Teacher to recover them? 


Looks like it is not possible at the moment, so might be a good feature to implement. 






  • AbelToHelp's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Unfortunately, due to the constraints of how settings work in ClassNotebook/OneNote, there is currently no way to do this. 


    Also unfortunately, just like another user said - your best bet is to use a workaround. Not all solutions need to be clunky - for example, you can demonstrate to your class how to copy a document from _Content_Library and place it into their own notebooks so that any changes made are their own, and perhaps use collaboration space as more of a hub where work is shared/turned in. This at least alleviates the problem, and does teach students the "dangers" of collaborating on a volatile document. 



  • MHB777's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I hope this will be solved soon.
    I have the same concern, this would really put off other educators of using Class is a critical issue
    A recoevery guuidance is needed
    I use a workaround, but it is impractical and too much time consuming
