Forum Discussion

AnnSumner78's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 07, 2024

CM Client on VM's

We have around 2000 VM's which have CM Client installed, we are seeing a strange issue on about 5% of these.


Software Center fails to open, when trying to resolve the issue by performing a client removal and reinstall or a client repair, we are seeing last installation error codes 2147942405 within the console.


On a repair in the clients ccmrepair log file we see:

Could not get registration for product "Configuration Manager Client". Repair required. WMI returned (80041010)

CcmGetOSVersion failed with 0x80041010

Failed with unhandled error code 6


Upon an install in the CCMsetup log we are seeing:

CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80041010


We have tested the WMI and this shows as no issues, anyone have an thoughts on this?  Could we be seeing the issues with CM as a symptom of a bigger issues.  I seem to just be going round in circles.


We are using CM2303 with eHTTP.


  • PabloC1968's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Just to add to Ann's original post, I work on the same team and have seen different symptoms arise:

    We were trying to push a new GPO to these virtual machines, after moving a test group of 10 into a newly created child OU. GPUpdate was failing over and over and showing particular policies as being the cause. Investigating the address of these policies showed that it was any policy using WMI Filtering to a Windows version (as we have a couple of different versions on the estate while we gradually push out the latest).
    We went through, re-running GPUpdate and disabling the policies it was erroring on, but every time it would stop again on the next policies using WMI Filtering, And so-on. When we disabled inheritance to the new child OU, effectively blocked all the problem policies, GPUpdate ran fine and my new policy applied to the test VMs as expected.
    It's not like we've created a new build and all the VMs are failing. It's only a small subset, and the original build was created a year ago. This has gradually come out of the blue and we're at a loss to figure out why it's happening. But the problem does seem to be slowly spreading.
