Forum Discussion
Feb 18, 2025Copper Contributor
Auto-Populating Data From One Sheet To The Other
My structure is 2 separate tabs in the excel sheet. In one sheet, my "Devops Tasks" sheet, I have a status of "COMPLETE", and currently, everything besides 2 are set to "INCOMPLETE". When I se...
Feb 19, 2025Bronze Contributor
Why not you use FILTER() function?
Feb 19, 2025Copper Contributor
Can you show me with how this formula fits in using FILTER() in a working condition? I already attempted this with FILTER in previous iterations:
=IFERROR(FILTER(]'DevOps Tasks\'!C:C,\'DevOps Tasks\'!H:H="COMPLETE"),"")'
Same repeating with !D, !B, !A with no success.
- Harun24HRFeb 20, 2025Bronze Contributor
Can you please attach a sample with sample input data and showing your desired output? You may also share the file with OneDrive, Google-Drive or Dropbox.