Forum Discussion

Arlene1070's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 18, 2019

Excel overlapping day of week and times

Hi there,

Where I am currently working we have spreadsheets listing course lectures and seminars. As some courses/seminars cannot conflict with others, I need to find a way to identify which courses/seminars conflict. A sample spreadsheet is below.

The day and time cannot conflict with another day/time that is the same or has overlapping times.

I need a column at the end to identify all the exact and overlapping courses and seminars, not just by the times but by the day as well. I have been able to come up with a calculation to find overlapping times and another to find the same days/times however I am lost at how to create one calculation to do both. I am using Office 16.


LING1F251LEC   1M1500-1700
LING1F251SEM  11T1600-1700
LING1F251SEM  21W1500-1600
LING1F251SEM  31F1600-1700
LING1F251SEM  41F1000-1100
LING1F251SEM  51F900 -1000
LING1F251SEM  61W1600-1700
LING1F251SEM  71R1400-1500
LING5P013LEC   1R1100-1400
LING5P023LEC   1T1100-1400
LING5P032LEC   1T1200-1500
LING5P043LEC   1W1100-1400
LING5P052LEC   1M1400-1700
LING5P072LEC   1R1400-1500
LING5P083LEC   1M1400-1700
LING5P852LEC   1W1100-1400

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Arlene 1070





  • Hello Arlene1070 ,


    in order to use the time values in formulas, you will need to split them into two different columns, one for start, one for finish. When you've done that, can you post a small sample file here and manually mock up the desired result? That would be a lot easier than having to re-type data from your screenshot for testing.

    • Arlene1070's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you so much for replying Ingeborg!

      This is my first time on a forum so I really have no idea how this all works and greatly appreciate you responding. I am not sure when you say post a small sample file “here”, if you mean in this email or online so I am replying both to this email as well as online on the Microsoft site. I did not add a screenshot into my post, I copied the Excel file into the post. When I look at my post it shows as a table, not a screen shot. I will try again so you can work with the data easily.


      Here is the revised table. I would like the last column to indicate all the lectures and seminars that fall on the exact same day/time and also the ones where the times overlap on the same day. In my sample, where times overlap on the same day or the lecture/seminar is at the exact same time/day as another, these are marked as TRUE.

      I don’t need it to be TRUE or FALSE. It can be indicated by a 1 or whatever, as long as the ones that conflict are indicated somehow.

      LING 1F25 SEM 7 and LING 5P07 LEC both fall on Thursdays (R) from 1400-1700.

      LING 1F25 LEC on Mondays from 1500-1700 overlaps with 5P05 and 5P08 which fall on Mondays from 1400-1700.


      SubjNumDUCTypeSecDaysStart TimeFinish TimeConflict
      LING1F251LEC   1M15001700TRUE
      LING1F251SEM  11T16001700FALSE
      LING1F251SEM  21W15001600FALSE
      LING1F251SEM  31F16001700FALSE
      LING1F251SEM  41F10001100FALSE
      LING1F251SEM  51F9001000FALSE
      LING1F251SEM  61W16001700FALSE
      LING1F251SEM  71R14001500TRUE
      LING5P013LEC   1R11001400FALSE
      LING5P023LEC   1T11001400FALSE
      LING5P032LEC   1T12001500FALSE
      LING5P043LEC   1W11001400FALSE
      LING5P052LEC   1M14001700TRUE
      LING5P072LEC   1R14001500TRUE
      LING5P083LEC   1M14001700TRUE
      LING5P852LEC   1W11001400FALSE



      • SergeiBaklan's avatar


        You may attach your file clicking on this icon at the left bottom of the Reply window

        To show the conflicts you may use


        and, if you are on Office365 subscription or on Excel 2019, use TEXTJOIN to show conflicting courses

        =SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(";",TRUE,IF(($G$5:$G$20=$G5)*($H$5:$H$20<$I5)*($I$5:$I$20>$H5),$B$5:$B$20&" "&$C$5:$C$20&" "&$E$5:$E$20,"")),$B5&" "&$C5&" "&$E5,"")

        The only, you show in your example what 5P04 and 5P85 are not in conflict, but both of them are scheduled on Wed from 1100 to 1400. Same for 5P02 and 5P04.

        Please check attached.
