Forum Discussion
Jul 30, 2023Brass Contributor
Excel VBA - Define Range of rows from known static range as start to flexible range address as end
Need help with an Excel VBA process. Below is a screenshot of the current logic with the intended goal noted in the red box. Can someone assist with helping me set criteria to define the range or rows between a static row (11 - aka RowStart) and one above a flexible end row, with the end row being determined by a cell match?
Copy of file attached as well. Mod in question is "ModCreateNewUserTEST". All other Mods are working as intended and do not need changes.
Please test this version carefully:
Sub CreateNewUserTab11184() Dim WBK As Workbook Dim WSH As Worksheet Dim RNG1 As Range Dim RNG2 As Range Dim ADR1 As String Dim ADR2 As String Dim WSN As Worksheet Dim ID As Long Dim RowStart As String Dim RowEnd As String Dim EndAddress As String Dim StartAddress As String Dim StartMonth As Date Dim EndMonth As Date Dim StartRow As String Dim LR As Long 'Save and close other workbooks For Each WBK In Application.Workbooks If Not (WBK Is Application.ThisWorkbook) Then WBK.Close SaveChanges:=True End If Next WBK 'Find New Users on Productivity Tab Application.ScreenUpdating = True Set WBK = ThisWorkbook Set WSH = WBK.Worksheets("User List") With WSH.Range("F:F") Set RNG1 = .Find(What:="No", LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole) If Not RNG1 Is Nothing Then Do ADR1 = RNG1.Address Set RNG2 = RNG1.Offset(0, -5) ADR2 = RNG2.Address If RNG2.Value <> "" Then ID = RNG2.Value StartMonth = RNG1.Offset(0, 1).Value 'Copy template to end of sheets WBK.Worksheets("Template").Copy After:=WBK.Worksheets(WBK.Worksheets.Count) Set WSN = WBK.Worksheets(WBK.Worksheets.Count) 'Update ID Cell and Tab Name on new sheet WSN.Range("B8").Value = ID WSN.Name = CStr(ID) 'Identify future month rows to remove 'WSN.Range("A11") = RowStart If RNG1.Offset(0, 2).Value <> "" Then EndMonth = RNG1.Offset(0, 2).Value EndAddress = Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(EndMonth), Range("A:A"), 0), 1).Address RowEnd = Range(EndAddress).Row WSN.Range("A11:A" & RowEnd - 1).EntireRow.Delete End If 'Identify pre-start month rows to remove StartAddress = Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(StartMonth), Range("A:A"), 0), 1).Address RowStart = Range(StartAddress).Row LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row WSN.Range("A" & RowStart + 1 & ":A" & LR).EntireRow.Delete 'Update New Sheet Caluclation References WSN.Range("B1").Formula = "=B9" WSN.Range("B3").Formula = "=SUM(G9,J9,N9)" WSN.Range("B5").Formula = "=Q9" WSN.Range("B9").Formula = "=SUM($AL$11:$AL$33)" WSN.Range("G9").Formula = "=SUM($AO$11:$AO$33)" WSN.Range("J9").Formula = "=SUM($AM$11:$AM$33)" WSN.Range("N9").Formula = "=SUM($AN$11:$AN$33)" WSN.Range("Q9").Formula = "=SUM($AK$11:$AK$21)" WSN.Range("T9").Formula = "=SUM($AI$11:$AI$33)" WSN.Range("Y9").Formula = "=SUM($AH$11:$AH$33)" WSN.Range("AB9").Formula = "=SUM($AJ$11:$AJ$33)" WSN.Range("AH11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($B11:$AF11,""B"")" WSN.Range("AI11").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(VALUE($AR11:$BV11))" WSN.Range("AJ11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($B11:$AF11,""=""&""J"")" WSN.Range("AK11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($DD11:$EH11,""=""&""1"")" WSN.Range("AL11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($EJ11:$FN11,""=""&""1"")" WSN.Range("AM11").Formula = "=SUM(FP11:GT11)" WSN.Range("AN11").Formula = "=SUM(IB11:JF11)" WSN.Range("AO11").Formula = "=SUM(GV11:HZ11)" WSN.Range("AK23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM($DD23:$EH23)>0,SUM($AK11:$AK21)=0),0,SUM($DD23:$EH23))" WSN.Range("AM23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM(FP23:GT23)>0,SUM(AM11:AO21)=0),0,SUM(FP23:GT23))" WSN.Range("AN23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM(IB23:JF23)>0,SUM(AM11:AO21)=0),0,SUM(IB23:JF23))" WSN.Range("AO23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM(GV23:HZ23)>0,SUM(AM11:AO21)=0),0,SUM(GV23:HZ23))" WSN.Rows("35:36").EntireRow.Copy WSN.Rows("35:36").EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'Update User List to create links to newly created user tabs WSH.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=RNG2, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & WSN.Name & "'!A1" End If 'RNG1.Value = "Yes" Set RNG1 = .Find(What:="No", Lookat:=xlWhole) If RNG1 Is Nothing Then Exit Do Loop Until RNG1.Address = ADR1 End If End With WSH.Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
- JoeCavasinBrass Contributor
Hey HansVogelaar - something recently broke and i can't understand what happened despite a full day of digging. I'm attaching a copy of it here for check over as time allows. The error only occurs when running the "Create New User Tab" macro. It starts off fine, duplicates the template tab, renames it to the appropriate new employee ID number, but when it attempts to find the starting month row - to remove rows above and below - it then deletes the value in the starting month cell, and errors as a WorksheetFunction.Match error. Tab 121212 shows the result of the successful portion of the create new macro, to the point of error. Any assistance is appreciated, this is definitely beyond my skillset.
- JoeCavasinBrass Contributor
Please test this version carefully:
Sub CreateNewUserTab11184() Dim WBK As Workbook Dim WSH As Worksheet Dim RNG1 As Range Dim RNG2 As Range Dim ADR1 As String Dim ADR2 As String Dim WSN As Worksheet Dim ID As Long Dim RowStart As String Dim RowEnd As String Dim EndAddress As String Dim StartAddress As String Dim StartMonth As Date Dim EndMonth As Date Dim StartRow As String Dim LR As Long 'Save and close other workbooks For Each WBK In Application.Workbooks If Not (WBK Is Application.ThisWorkbook) Then WBK.Close SaveChanges:=True End If Next WBK 'Find New Users on Productivity Tab Application.ScreenUpdating = True Set WBK = ThisWorkbook Set WSH = WBK.Worksheets("User List") With WSH.Range("F:F") Set RNG1 = .Find(What:="No", LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole) If Not RNG1 Is Nothing Then Do ADR1 = RNG1.Address Set RNG2 = RNG1.Offset(0, -5) ADR2 = RNG2.Address If RNG2.Value <> "" Then ID = RNG2.Value StartMonth = RNG1.Offset(0, 1).Value 'Copy template to end of sheets WBK.Worksheets("Template").Copy After:=WBK.Worksheets(WBK.Worksheets.Count) Set WSN = WBK.Worksheets(WBK.Worksheets.Count) 'Update ID Cell and Tab Name on new sheet WSN.Range("B8").Value = ID WSN.Name = CStr(ID) 'Identify future month rows to remove 'WSN.Range("A11") = RowStart If RNG1.Offset(0, 2).Value <> "" Then EndMonth = RNG1.Offset(0, 2).Value EndAddress = Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(EndMonth), Range("A:A"), 0), 1).Address RowEnd = Range(EndAddress).Row WSN.Range("A11:A" & RowEnd - 1).EntireRow.Delete End If 'Identify pre-start month rows to remove StartAddress = Cells(WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(StartMonth), Range("A:A"), 0), 1).Address RowStart = Range(StartAddress).Row LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row WSN.Range("A" & RowStart + 1 & ":A" & LR).EntireRow.Delete 'Update New Sheet Caluclation References WSN.Range("B1").Formula = "=B9" WSN.Range("B3").Formula = "=SUM(G9,J9,N9)" WSN.Range("B5").Formula = "=Q9" WSN.Range("B9").Formula = "=SUM($AL$11:$AL$33)" WSN.Range("G9").Formula = "=SUM($AO$11:$AO$33)" WSN.Range("J9").Formula = "=SUM($AM$11:$AM$33)" WSN.Range("N9").Formula = "=SUM($AN$11:$AN$33)" WSN.Range("Q9").Formula = "=SUM($AK$11:$AK$21)" WSN.Range("T9").Formula = "=SUM($AI$11:$AI$33)" WSN.Range("Y9").Formula = "=SUM($AH$11:$AH$33)" WSN.Range("AB9").Formula = "=SUM($AJ$11:$AJ$33)" WSN.Range("AH11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($B11:$AF11,""B"")" WSN.Range("AI11").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(VALUE($AR11:$BV11))" WSN.Range("AJ11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($B11:$AF11,""=""&""J"")" WSN.Range("AK11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($DD11:$EH11,""=""&""1"")" WSN.Range("AL11").Formula = "=COUNTIF($EJ11:$FN11,""=""&""1"")" WSN.Range("AM11").Formula = "=SUM(FP11:GT11)" WSN.Range("AN11").Formula = "=SUM(IB11:JF11)" WSN.Range("AO11").Formula = "=SUM(GV11:HZ11)" WSN.Range("AK23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM($DD23:$EH23)>0,SUM($AK11:$AK21)=0),0,SUM($DD23:$EH23))" WSN.Range("AM23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM(FP23:GT23)>0,SUM(AM11:AO21)=0),0,SUM(FP23:GT23))" WSN.Range("AN23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM(IB23:JF23)>0,SUM(AM11:AO21)=0),0,SUM(IB23:JF23))" WSN.Range("AO23").Formula = "=IF(AND(SUM(GV23:HZ23)>0,SUM(AM11:AO21)=0),0,SUM(GV23:HZ23))" WSN.Rows("35:36").EntireRow.Copy WSN.Rows("35:36").EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues 'Update User List to create links to newly created user tabs WSH.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=RNG2, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & WSN.Name & "'!A1" End If 'RNG1.Value = "Yes" Set RNG1 = .Find(What:="No", Lookat:=xlWhole) If RNG1 Is Nothing Then Exit Do Loop Until RNG1.Address = ADR1 End If End With WSH.Activate Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
You didn't attach a workbook.
That could be
WSN.Range("A11:A" & RowEnd - 1).EntireRow.Select
Do you really need to select those rows? For example, if you want to delete them, you can use
WSN.Range("A11:A" & RowEnd - 1).EntireRow.Delete