Forum Discussion
Dec 19, 2020Copper Contributor
Getting this msg "Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas."
I am having issue with excel sheet which keeps showing me this issue "Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas. As a result, these formulas can not be evaluated."...
- Dec 19, 2020
In cell D36 you have formula =30:294001 which means you instruct Excel to return all rows from 30 to 294001. Includes row in which the formula is. Kind of cyclic reference and never ended loop.
If you remove this formula it works.
Sep 03, 2021Copper Contributor
I to am having the same error message, any assistance would be much appreciated
- Stephane_ZwelNov 07, 2021Copper Contributor
Regarding Ecology Planner 270821.xlsx, this file has two problems. One is circular references, a problem addressed by Sergei Baklan. Another is the "Excel ran out of resources ..." error and this problem is left unadressed so far.
Actually, the style reduction tool sees exactly one "slow calculation" in it, the one triggering the blocking error message in Excel.It's in September ! N266Replace the formula in it :{=_xlfn.SINGLE(INDEX($I$5:$I$239;SUMPRODUCT(MAX((N$5:N$239=BL266:$FI254266)*(ROW(N$5:N$239))))-ROW($I$5)+1))}by{=_xlfn.SINGLE(INDEX($I$5:$I$239;SUMPRODUCT(MAX((N$5:N$239=BL266:$FI266)*(ROW(N$5:N$239))))-ROW($I$5)+1))}and that fixes the problem. Hope it helps. - SergeiBaklanSep 03, 2021MVP
It was a circular reference in November!J222. Change ranges here from IF(COUNTIF(J$5:J$230,... on IF(COUNTIF(J$5:J$220,...
Also in
(all commented)
In November!J237 formula contains ...*(H242ROW(J$5:J$218).. . Commented it.