Forum Discussion

LizeMarie's avatar
Brass Contributor
Dec 13, 2022

Load Image from path into Image ActiveX Control in worksheet

I have the following code:


Private Sub img_Browse_Click()On Error Resume Next
Dim img As String
Dim xCmpPath As String

img = Application.GetOpenFilename
If img <> False Then
Me.img_Photo.Picture = LoadPicture(img)
xCmpPath = img
Sheet1.Range("AE1").FormulaR1C1 = xCmpPath

End If

End Sub


It worked perfectly with my userform but sadly I have to change all my coding to work on a Worksheet (Sheet3)


I tried to change the code accordingly, but nothing seems to work:

Private Sub img_Browse()

On Error Resume Next
Dim img As String
Dim xCmpPath As String

img = Application.GetOpenFilename
If img <> False Then
Sheet3.Shapes.Range(Array("img_Photo")).Picture = LoadPicture(img)
xCmpPath = img
Sheet1.Range("AE1").FormulaR1C1 = xCmpPath

End If

End Sub


Please can someone tell me what is wrong with the above code?

And how can I set it back to "" again when I use a "clear" command button.

I struggle greatly to change all the userform coding to work with the combo boxes, combo list, image etc. on/in my sheet.... And this is only the start of all the changes I have to make   ðŸ˜ž

  • LizeMarie 

    In such situations, you should temporarily comment out the line

    On Error Resume Next

    because with it, you won't be notified of any errors.

    You declare img as a String, but a String cannot be False. The line

        If img <> False Then

    causes a Type Mismatch error.

    You should declare img as a Variant. That allows it to be any type, whether Boolean (False) or String (a file path).

    In the second place, as far as I know, you cannot change the picture on an existing picture shape. You have to delete the existing picture and insert a new one.

    Try this version - make sure that there is a shape (any shape) named img_Photo on Sheet3.

    Private Sub img_Browse()
        Dim img As Variant
        Dim shp As Shape
        Dim x As Single
        Dim y As Single
        Dim w As Single
        Dim h As Single
        Dim xCmpPath As String
        'On Error Resume Next
        img = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:= _
            "Pictures (*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp),*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp")
        If img <> False Then
            Set shp = Sheet3.Shapes("img_Photo")
            x = shp.Left
            y = shp.Top
            w = shp.Width
            h = shp.Height
            Set shp = Sheet3.Shapes.AddPicture(img, False, True, x, y, h, w)
            shp.Name = "img_Photo"
            xCmpPath = img
            Sheet1.Range("AE1").FormulaR1C1 = xCmpPath
        End If
    End Sub
  • LizeMarie 

    In such situations, you should temporarily comment out the line

    On Error Resume Next

    because with it, you won't be notified of any errors.

    You declare img as a String, but a String cannot be False. The line

        If img <> False Then

    causes a Type Mismatch error.

    You should declare img as a Variant. That allows it to be any type, whether Boolean (False) or String (a file path).

    In the second place, as far as I know, you cannot change the picture on an existing picture shape. You have to delete the existing picture and insert a new one.

    Try this version - make sure that there is a shape (any shape) named img_Photo on Sheet3.

    Private Sub img_Browse()
        Dim img As Variant
        Dim shp As Shape
        Dim x As Single
        Dim y As Single
        Dim w As Single
        Dim h As Single
        Dim xCmpPath As String
        'On Error Resume Next
        img = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:= _
            "Pictures (*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp),*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp")
        If img <> False Then
            Set shp = Sheet3.Shapes("img_Photo")
            x = shp.Left
            y = shp.Top
            w = shp.Width
            h = shp.Height
            Set shp = Sheet3.Shapes.AddPicture(img, False, True, x, y, h, w)
            shp.Name = "img_Photo"
            xCmpPath = img
            Sheet1.Range("AE1").FormulaR1C1 = xCmpPath
        End If
    End Sub
    • Muhammadiyya's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      please I want a guide, I'm working on school report card generator with student pictures in excel VBA. I created a drop-down list that contains students reg. No. I have the students pics path in a column and I want to load those picture from it's  path into a shape  with the picture changing as I change the values on the drop-down list.HansVogelaar 

    • LizeMarie's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      HansVogelaar  Hans img_Photo is an ActiveX Control Image is it possible to keep the Picture Alignment as fmPictureAlignmentCentre and PictureSizeMode to fmPictureSizeModeZoom?


      Thank you

      Kind Regards

      • HansVogelaar's avatar


        For an ActiveX image control, it's actually easier:


        Private Sub img_Browse()
            Dim img As Variant
            'On Error Resume Next
            img = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:= _
                "Pictures (*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp),*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp")
            If img <> False Then
                With Sheet3.img_Photo
                    .Picture = LoadPicture(img)
                    .PictureAlignment = fmPictureAlignmentCenter
                    .PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
                End With
                Sheet1.Range("AE1").Value = img
            End If
        End Sub


    • LizeMarie's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Thank you again for your help Hans - wish I had your knowledge
