Forum Discussion
Nov 17, 2019Copper Contributor
Paste TO visible cells only in a filtered cells only
I want to paste a formula or value in the visible cells of a filtered column. How to go about it? Thanks
- bobs10Copper ContributorI'm using MS Excel 2016 Professional Plus and I get the dialog box to select paste "Visible cells only" but it does nothing. I can't get it to work. Very frustrating. Any idea why this is happening?
- siladityacCopper Contributor
Step 1: Select both the filtered source column and destination column
Step 2: Go to Home->Editing->Fill and select the direction of fill from source to destination column. The source and destination column doesn't need to be adjacent.
- kakaitouCopper Contributor
Alhamdulillaah.. thank you, your solution help me solve my problem with copy-paste in filtered view..
- siladityacCopper ContributorGlad it helped 🙂
- Mike_SelmanCopper Contributor
- CangkirBrass Contributor
I'd like to add something to my answer above, about the “Sub CopyVisibleToVisible1” macro. If you want to use this frequently, you can assign the macro to a toolbar buttons. This is how:
- Copy the code:
Sub CopyVisibleToVisible1() 'use this for: 'Copy paste(value only): 'from filtered range to filtered range 'from filtered range to unfiltered range 'from unfiltered range to filtered range 'Not work on hidden column Dim rngA As Range Dim rngB As Range Dim r As Range Dim Title As String Dim ra As Long Dim rc As Long On Error GoTo skip: Title = "Copy Visible To Visible" Set rngA = Application.Selection Set rngA = Application.InputBox("Select Range to Copy then click OK:", Title, rngA.Address, Type:=8) Set rngB = Application.InputBox("Select Range to Paste (select the first cell only):", Title, Type:=8) Set rngB = rngB.Cells(1, 1) Application.ScreenUpdating = False ra = rngA.Rows.Count rc = rngA.Columns.Count If ra = 1 Then rngB.Resize(, rc).Value = rngA.Value: Exit Sub Set rngA = rngA.Cells(1, 1).Resize(ra, 1) For Each r In rngA.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) rngB.Resize(1, rc).Value = r.Resize(1, rc).Value Do Set rngB = rngB.Offset(1, 0) Loop Until rngB.EntireRow.Hidden = False Next Application.GoTo rngB Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.CutCopyMode = False Exit Sub skip: If err.Number <> 424 Then MsgBox "Error found: " & err.Description End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
- Open VBA window (by pressing ALT+F11)
- Open PERSONAL.xlsb
- In module section, create a new module, say module1.
- Paste the code into module1.
Now assign the macro to a toolbar button. You can follow the instruction on this link:
The benefit of doing it this way:
- The macro is available on any open workbook & easy to access.
- You don’t need to put the macro on all your workbooks, just on PERSONAL.xlsb.
- CangkirBrass Contributor
hi this VBA is working fine, but it’s taking time if we are using in larger number of cells, can we get quicker VBA ?
Sorry for the late reply.
It depends on your data.
- About how many rows is your data?
- Do you copy from filtered range?
- Does your data have multiline cells?
- dastridermanCopper Contributor
To just select visible cells - shortcut alt + semilcolon (alt + 😉 is the real MVP.
- kanthrishiCopper Contributor
We cant do it has values, but using simple formula we can achieve it as below:-
Step 1:- Please copy values you wanted and paste them in separate excel and name each row with numbers in sequence.
Step 2:- Filter the cells to which the values needed to pasted , in another column i.e, not in the cells you want to paste update it with numbers in sequence .
Step 3: Use Vlook up with look up value from step2 sequence updated and look up array from Step 1 sequence , and use column as required . you will get the values.
Break the link of the file and go on.
Hope this is useful.
- WaltBCopper Contributor
kanthrishi Thanks for that. I think there are several possible workarounds. Myself, I simply sorted my data and then used xlookup to populate the data I lost, from a backup. The point isn't how to do this. Its that we shouldn't have to. I can't see any reason for filtering to work the way it does. I think Microsoft should change the default behaviour to only paste into the filtered cells.
- CangkirBrass Contributor
With this macro you can easily copy-paste values from & to filtered range.
Sub CopyVisibleToVisible1() 'use this for: 'Copy paste(value only): 'from filtered range to filtered range 'from filtered range to unfiltered range 'from unfiltered range to filtered range 'Not work on hidden column Dim rngA As Range Dim rngB As Range Dim r As Range Dim Title As String Dim ra As Long Dim rc As Long On Error GoTo skip: Title = "Copy Visible To Visible" Set rngA = Application.Selection Set rngA = Application.InputBox("Select Range to Copy then click OK:", Title, rngA.Address, Type:=8) Set rngB = Application.InputBox("Select Range to Paste (select the first cell only):", Title, Type:=8) Set rngB = rngB.Cells(1, 1) Application.ScreenUpdating = False ra = rngA.Rows.Count rc = rngA.Columns.Count If ra = 1 Then rngB.Resize(, rc).Value = rngA.Value: Exit Sub Set rngA = rngA.Cells(1, 1).Resize(ra, 1) For Each r In rngA.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) rngB.Resize(1, rc).Value = r.Resize(1, rc).Value Do Set rngB = rngB.Offset(1, 0) Loop Until rngB.EntireRow.Hidden = False Next Application.GoTo rngB Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.CutCopyMode = False Exit Sub skip: If err.Number <> 424 Then MsgBox "Error found: " & err.Description End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub
- MMeligyCopper Contributor
Here's a video can solve this problem KingsleyohioCopper Contributor
MMeligy Thanks for this post, however, the issue is with when columns are hidden. It is easier when dealing with row cells but difficult pasting to visible columns.
- mfisher515Copper Contributor
MMeligy use Index & Match instead
- Pierce336Copper Contributor
NSK-Mar Another option would be to replicate your source column, then clear out all the values not shown in your filtered list ('reverse' the filter, then clear the values). Then remove the filter from the table altogether, copy the entire column, finally do Paste Special and select Skip Blanks.
- Mike_SelmanCopper Contributor1: Filter on the source items you want moved
2: Fill the destination column with a colour
3: Turn off the filter
4: Sort your destination column by colour
4: Copy>paste the source to destination
5: Clear contents of source cells if you wanted a cut>paste- WillTesting718Copper ContributorThis worked perfectly. Thank you!
- rajeshmanepalli987Copper Contributor
- Richard2244Copper Contributor
As others have stated, Excel does not allow you to paste into a filtered data. The best way to do this is to sort instead of filter. The easiest way to do this, especially for information that is not easily sortable, is to:
- filter your info
- fill the cells of your filtered list with a color
- Clear the filter
- do a custom sort of the list by color and then by a-z (to make it match up with the information you are pasting in)
- Paste your information in your sheet
- Reorder the colors from your cells and reorder the information if necessary.
Note: If the original order of your information is important, do what one user suggested and add a column to your original sheet and number each row, so you can resort back to its original order.
Also, if you are working with extremely large lists where you first have to identify the matching cells before copying over the information, you can always use conditional formatting to identify and highlight any matching cells in a column from one sheet to another within the same workbook. After doing this, you can then follow the steps above to copy the information over.
- FateSCopper ContributorThis worked for me perfectly! Thanks!