Forum Discussion
John Albertini
Nov 21, 2017Copper Contributor
pre-1900 dates
I can find no help on how to tell Excel to properly format and calculate dates before 1900. I want to calculate age at death and have birth and death dates in columns. But Excel does not recognize ...
Oct 31, 2024Copper Contributor
I’ve created a calendar in excel that goes back all the way to 4004 BC. On the main tab it displays one month of a year. I have inserted toggle switches to change the months and the years. At the top of the page it displays different pictures according to the month selected. To the right side of the page it displays pictures of my relatives whose birthday is in the month selected, these pictures change according to the month selected. In name manager, I have programed to display the information listed on another tab called Add names. I also have a tab called Add pictures where I add the pictures to be displayed on the main tab. On the main tab when a month is selected any person’s name whose birthday is in that month appears with their age on the particular year selected. It also shows that holidays including Thanksgiving. I also have another tab that converts the Gregorian calendar to the Julian date according to the date selected. The way to force excel to recognize dates prior to Jan. 1st 1900 is to move it forward in increments of four hundred years as the years repeat exactly every four hundred years including the day of the week. I have moved mine forward 6800 years. That date is hidden and the year displayed is that date minus 6800 years. It was a little complicated to skip the zero year going back to BC dates but it is doable.
Feb 27, 2025Copper Contributor
Any chance you would consider sharing a copy/template of such a file? Not looking to peruse your family tree, but what you have described sounds fascinating!
- arnoldmartin4568Feb 28, 2025Copper Contributor
I have tried to share it with you using the share button in excel. The email I shared with is email address removed for privacy reasons. I hope that is you and I hope it works. If it doesn't work, let me know and I will try something else..
- cwalker1572Feb 28, 2025Copper Contributor
The forum strips emails for privacy, but my address is tied to this account...not sure how to securely do this... how about, just replace the # with @....then I edit that out after you share.
- arnoldmartin4568Mar 03, 2025Copper Contributor
Ok, check your spam folder as I have already sent several to that email.
God bless