Forum Discussion

eintracht's avatar
Occasional Reader
Mar 05, 2025

Using ClearContents on a Range Defined with Variables

I am trying to ClearContents of a range of cells using Variables AND text to define the range.

I have the following code :

Set WithdrawalsRange = WBSC.Range(WBSCCol.Row & "F:" & WBSCCol.Row & "AY")


WBSCCol.Rows = 4 that I use to perform other tasks with no problem.

So I want to ClearContents of the range "4F:4AY" in the WBSC worksheet. I am struggling to come up with the right syntax.


So my Set statement I want to be translated as :-

     Set WithdrawalsRange = WBSC.Range("4F:4AY") but I keep getting a

Run-time error '1004'.

Applicsation-defined or object-defined error.

Would be grateful if someone could show me the error of my ways.

WBSC is a Worksheet

WithdrawalsRange is a Range

Many thanks





  • The range should be F4:AY4 instead of 4F:4AY, so use

    Set WithdrawalsRange = WBSC.Range("F" & WBSCCol.Row & ":AY" & WBSCCol.Row)
