Forum Discussion

PTS_Daniel's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 27, 2019

Is the latest version of OOS supported for Exchange server 2016

Hi folks,

I have an exchange server 2016 DAG, running on WS 2016 with latest CU, CU13 installed. Also have Sharepoint 2016 server.

Both are configured to use our OOS (office online server) which is running the latest version from Office 2019 VL media and has the latest updates installed.


SharePoint server can use the OOS server just fine. can edit office files online with no problems, Exchange servers are unable to see any office document from OWA. users get this error.

The Office Online server is defined at the server level. All Exchange servers are able to browse to the OOS server and get the /hosting/discovery page with the xml on it.

Exchange server have the event logs with ID 140 and 142 logged to show they have found them and set them.


the IIS site logs for OOS site show some 404 errors coming from the the users computer client ip address with sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status showing 404 0 2 when the issue occurs. I can not find useful help on line for this related to OOS.


the OOS server also has windows error event logs within "Microsoft Office Web Apps" that im not sure if they are useful either but are Event id 40044, 20044, 41418, 21418

Would greatly appreciate any assistnace with this problem, thanks in advanced.
I'll probably consider rebuilding the OOS server if no one comes back to me on this.

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