Forum Discussion

MJM_Elle's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 01, 2024

Copilot nonprofit pricing

Where can we find nonprofit licensing info for Copilot? My MSP says they haven’t seen any nonprofit discount for Copilot. 

  • MJM_Elle 


    The Microsoft 365 nonprofit page is the best place to keep up with nonprofit pricing on our products.  Microsoft 365 Nonprofit Solutions | Microsoft Nonprofits


    Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 is now available as an add-on at $30 (USD) per user per month. To get started, you can buy now or connect with our team in the following ways:  

    1. Sign in to the Microsoft admin center to add Copilot to your existing Microsoft 365 business plan. Refer to this step-by-step guide for nonprofits to change your billing account type to procure Copilot for Microsoft 365. If you’re not an existing customer, buy a Microsoft 365 plan to get started. 
    2. Talk with a Microsoft sales specialist to answer any questions, add Copilot to your existing subscription or to buy a Microsoft 365 plan. 
    3. Reach out directly to your Microsoft partner to buy and guide you through the adoption process. 

    • ericleroy's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Is there a way to try Copilot Pro for free for about 30 days ?... Because I want to make sure that my collegues and I find the tool useful in the daily work.

    • JamesBoland's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      mibrady I think there is still some confusion around CoPilot for O365 and CoPilot Studio.


      Most folks on this thread (I believe) want to deploy chatbots with workflow to answer donor questions, better assist volunteers, etc. CoPilot for O365 does not do that. It does help with analyzing and reporting on data in your O365 Apps - but no joy for building chatbots.


      CS at $200 p/m is well outside of the reach of many nonprofits - who ironically could benefit the most from AI assistants working 24/7 to provide support.    

      • MattBurr's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Just wanted to add to this thread that Copilot Studio is available at US$50/month for nonprofits (75% discount). I'm not sure if this pricing is new, but I only just became aware of it.
  • CI_TBachta's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Our MSP had to reach out to our MS licensing rep to get the sku’s we are getting it added on our EA
  • Michelyvr's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I too am hoping they come up with non profit pricing. I recognize developing new technology is costly but to add copilot nearly doubles our office 366 cost and for many of us in the non profit it will be a big financial pill to swallow. If it was to be included in the non profit office 365 package it wouldn't actually cost Microsoft anything. It's really just an unwillingness to forego the revenue they would extract from the non profit sector.
    • Michelyvr's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Michelyvr actually I was wrong. Our costs would go from $7 a month per users to $37 per users per month!! 

  • MattBurr's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi MJM_Elle 


    Unfortunately, Microsoft haven't released any nonprofit discounts for Copilot.


    Links to a similar threads: 


    I was hoping something would be announced at the Summit. Fingers crossed they do make a discount available in the future, as many nonprofits would benefit from it.


    Don't forget you can still make use of the free Copilot at

  • ClifGuy's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    I'd implement Copilot today org-wide if it didn't increase my IT budget by 5% all by itself. It's a big challenge with IT costs increasing faster than inflation and becoming a bigger and bigger % of contribution income.
