Forum Discussion
Mar 11, 2021Silver Contributor
Why Moving to the Public Cloud would Make us Greener ?
There are discussions about cloud computing and benefit of using cloud and its advantages. However other than viewing the cloud from the technical point of view, I should mention public cloud would make us greener, for the following reasons:
1) Private Cloud is not so Green: Companies who are managing on-premise, they are also concern about budget and deployment of their services and normally they will keep old servers operational and replace it when it is out of operation. They might consider going for Green IT, but in reality they spend more time to operation and make things running rather than thinking about making it greener.
2) There is no legal liability: In several countries there is no law to enforce Green IT. They might enforce manufacturer to produce Green IT products but they are not checking operation. It is not like companies get fined or government take actions when companies are not enforcing Green IT policy. It only enforced to save cost or as part of company's ethics.
3) Going Green Cost us: Indeed in long term we would have ROI and energy we saved would paid off and it is ethical agenda but in practice companies won't look into long term return and invest on short term result. Companies won't pay more money to optimize servers for Green IT.
The solution to all these problems would be Public Cloud. Cloud providers like Microsoft commit to make their data center greener. They have resources to do so and they have ethical responsibility and it means moving to the public cloud would make us greener and we shall save more resources.
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