Forum Discussion
Jun 13, 2023Brass Contributor
Badge redemption is received poorly by our students
Hello everyone,
I would like to address a matter concerning the new partner program requirements set by Microsoft. While I understand the need for new KPI metrics, we have encountered a significant challenge in getting our students to redeem their badges. There are multiple reasons contributing to this issue, but one stands out the most: once the badge is activated, everything related to the course in MS Learn is marked as completed.
As a result, students lose track of their progress within MS Learn, leading many of them to refrain from redeeming their badges. Despite our efforts to prompt students to redeem their badges towards the end of the course, a significant number of them still choose not to do so.
Furthermore, we have observed that many students do not perceive the added value of these badges. They enroll in courses with the intention of acquiring new knowledge and skills, placing little importance on the badges themselves. Consequently, these students are less likely to redeem their badges, regardless of how frequently we remind them or emphasize the importance of these metrics.
This situation directly impacts our standing as a Microsoft Learning Partner. It can be frustrating as a Learning Partner to be held accountable for an aspect that is largely beyond our control and influence. While we can and do ask students to claim their badges multiple times, we cannot force them to do so.
Another source of frustration is the lack of visibility regarding the response rates for badge redemption. There is currently no dashboard available to Learning Partners to track this information. This creates uncertainty and makes it challenging for us to effectively manage this aspect, despite its significant impact on our performance as a Learning Partner. Essentially, for a Learning Partner, it feels like operating in a black box.
Please note that I am aware that a dashboard for badge redemption is planned to be available after the summer. However, it is important to highlight that even during this interim period without visibility, we are already being held accountable for these KPI metrics.
Although I remain optimistic about the new partner program and understand Microsoft's motivations, I believe there is a need for greater transparency. When Learning Partners are measured on specific KPI metrics, it would be beneficial to provide them with insights into those same metrics.
For our other initiatives, such as MTM, we perform daily data extractions and visualize the results through Power BI dashboards. However, when it comes to badge redemption, we lack such tools.
Please understand that my intention is not to be disrespectful. I simply wanted to share my thoughts on this matter.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards,
Marnix Wolf
- DanDonohue
Thank you for your feedback Marnix. I understand the issues you've called out and, like Mindy stated, we're working on them. Appreciate your support.- MWolf017Brass ContributorHi Dan. As you can see there are more TSPs struggling with badge redemptions. Is there already any update to share on this KPI metric? Many thanks in advance.
Thank you Dan.- DanDonohue
While we are investigating how we can provide additionally transparency to TSPs regarding redemptions, there is not currently any plans to change the process or impact to KPIs.
Broadly at the macro level, our data shows that learners want and find value in the badges. However, based on yours and others feedback, I think there are parts of the world that are not aligned. We have a team investigating this right now and, if you are interested, I think it would be great to set up a chat between all of us to discuss. I'll reach out with an email.
- stefan_meissnerCopper ContributorHello everyone,
we're faceing the same issue in Germany. I was really shocked how poorly it is recevied by our Students after seeing the Coureware completions on the new Training Services Partner Dashbard.
It's like Marnix already mentioned they don't see the value. A lot of our students feel patronized if we tell them they have to reedem the codes. We tried to explain why it's important for us but they don't care. It is really frustrating.
Best regards
Stefan- LSchirokBrass ContributorI can only agree on that statement, all KPIs are ok beside redemption rate.
- Mindy_Allison
Thank you, Marnix for your feedback. We are currently looking at this process, and reevaluating it, while taking all feedback into consideration. Therefore, this type of in-depth feedback is greatly appreciated. I will be sharing it with all that are involved in the badge redemption process.
Should we have an update, or something to share regarding badge redemption, we absolutely will let Learning Partners know.
Thank you!
- Mwolf1703Brass Contributor
Hi Mindy_Allison, thanks for your response.
Another issue that I failed to mention earlier, which hampers badge redemption, is a cultural aspect. In the Netherlands, there exists a particular sentiment that discourages overt demonstrations of achievement. Many students in the Netherlands view claiming a badge as a form of flaunting, which is considered inappropriate. Additionally, some individuals perceive it as an immature behavior.
While this concern may seem insignificant to Microsoft US, we have been receiving feedback in the Netherlands questioning the purpose of showcasing or boasting about a course completed. Some individuals express sentiments such as, "I am an adult and do not require such recognition" or "Why should I engage in self-promotion for a learning achievement?"
Consequently, these students do not perceive us as a favorable Learning Partner, which has a negative impact on our business.
Kind regards,
Marnix Wolf- Mindy_Allison
Thank you for that additional info. Wow! Very insightful. I truly apologize for the negative impact this has on your business. We want to support our Learning Partners, and ensure they provide the very best for their Learners.
I will also be sharing this with Leadership. I am private messaging you my email, so we can further discuss.
Thank you again, Marnix.