Forum Discussion
Feb 28, 2024Brass Contributor
Copilot for MCTs
I participated in the February 2024 Training Services Partner Community Call (TSPCC) about an hour ago, where numerous Copilot courses and Applied Skills Assessments were announced. However, a critical concern remains unaddressed: the accessibility of Copilot for Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) to effectively teach these courses and conduct assessments.
The current guidance of "Bring your own subscription" (which was provided to me as a response in the TSPCC Q & A today) for training organizations is impractical and does not align with the needs of MCTs and training service providers (TSPs). The lack of a feasible solution for accessing Copilot presents a significant barrier to entry, particularly for individual trainers and small to medium-sized TSPs. The financial burden of procuring a Copilot license, with its substantial upfront cost and lack of a monthly payment option, is a deterrent to many, including myself and many TSPs in my region.
This situation creates an uneven playing field, favoring larger enterprise TSPs capable of acquiring multiple licenses, thereby monopolizing the market and client base. It is imperative to recognize that the demand for instructor-led training in Copilot is high, with students seeking guidance and consultation in navigating this revolutionary tool. The self-learning route is not a viable alternative for all learners.
I urge Microsoft WWL to expedite the development of a solution that provides MCTs with complimentary access to Copilot, enabling us to deliver the high-quality training that is in demand. The current model is not sustainable and risks alienating a significant portion of the training community. It is crucial for Microsoft WWL to address this issue promptly to ensure the successful rollout of Copilot courses and to maintain the integrity and inclusivity of the MCT program.
- luismunozparraCopper Contributor
Is there any update to this issue? Everyday more organizations and customers are asking me to deliver Copilot courses.
- DanielB1815Copper ContributorHas there been an update to this issue?
- DanDonohue
DanielB1815 and chintanpatel_za, cruizmct, LSchirok so everyone sees this update.
I understand your point and agree with you. Benefit changes in general take time and review, even more when we're talking about Copilot. I know there is work being done in this area, but don't have anything to share. Any significant update would come via the MCT Lounge, once available.
- MarioFuchsIron ContributorHi all,
I was asking these questions (Copilot Licenses for MCTs and TSPs) for months not. Still no answer in sight?
- cruizmctCopper ContributorTotally agree, it's like teaching about Windows Server, even without having ever touched a Windows Server, and so on with any other product you want to teach.
- LSchirokBrass ContributorThanks for this post