Forum Discussion
Feb 13, 2025Most Data Platform Labs Offline @ All Lab Hosters
Edited 2/14/25 to include all lab hosters.
Hello partners,
Many Data Platform labs have been taken offline at all lab hosters for newly discovered required fixes. The following labs are not currently available:
- DP-203
- DP-3011
- DP-3012
- DP-3014
- DP-600
- DP-601
- DP-602
- DP-603
- DP-604
DP-900 remains online, but Lab #3 is currently impacted by this outage. DP-3020 is not impacted.
Lab hosters are reaching out to instructors who are scheduled to deliver the impacted course. We don't currently have an ETA but will update here as we know more.
- VitalyBrass Contributor
DanDonohueWould it be possible to get some clarity on the reason(s) for taking so many labs down? There is significant confusion around this topic within the learning community, especially because some ALHs still have the labs up. Thanks.
- VitalyBrass Contributor
Is DP-600 coming back soon? Some ALHs still have it up, some took it down.
- DvdBergCopper Contributor
I heard the same. Apparently there's a bit of a 50/50 going on with whether the lab accounts actually work or not which is obviously not ideal.
I think after nearly 4 weeks it's high time for an ETA update. Even if that is 'no idea yet'. Not being able to teach these courses is not good for MS Fabric, MCTs and lab hosters.
- DanDonohue
Hi all, an update from this week's Community Call:
- DP-203
- DP-900
- DP-3011
- DP-3012
- DP-3014
- DP-3020
Offline (as of Feb 21, 2:30 PM Pacific)
- DP-600
- DP-601
- DP-602
- DP-603
- DP-604
- DP-700
I will continue to provide more information here as I receive it.
- DvdBergCopper Contributor
I believe dp700 is also affected.
- DanDonohue
That is correct. Thanks for the catch DvdBerg.
- SuridupCopper Contributor
HI DanDonohue, any update on the labs?