Forum Discussion

FlowTime1990's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jul 22, 2023

Azure ML - Get Started - Create Compensation Prediction

Hi Guys, Super new here.

Is there anyway to use Azure ML for free in an enterprise environment.  I want to play around with some actual employee compensation data.  I want to create a model, and I have no idea how to do this, that would allow an employee enter things like a persons specialty, years of experience, if they have specific training, if its a highly sought after postition.  I can feed the model actual data with these data tagas but is there a way to play or create something for free..especially since I am new and do not know what I am doing. Any advice or help would be awesome.  I would ultimately want to deploy this model to a powerapp that would sit in sharepoint. 

Thanks in advance for reading and responding.

  • razalizain's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hey there! Welcome to the community! I'm new here too.

    Absolutely, I think you can get started with Azure ML for free through the Microsoft Cloud Skills Challenge. It's a great way to learn ML skills and build your model using actual data like employee compensation.

    I recently completed the AI Builder Challenge myself, and I can assure you it's a fantastic learning experience! You'll have hands-on practice and resources, even if you're new to ML. Feel free to explore and experiment with the data, and you'll be able to create and deploy your model in no time.

    You can register for the challenge here:

    There are 4 challenges to choose from, one in particular, is called the 'Machine Learning Challenge', which it'll teach you about how to create/publish models without writing code!

    Good luck on your journey, and don't hesitate to ask if you need any assistance. Happy learning!
