Forum Discussion

Noah_Aldonas's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 10, 2025

Register for the Microsoft Fabric Community Conference!

Join us at the Microsoft Fabric Community Conference in Las Vegas, NV from March 30 - April 2, 2025!


FabCon offers you the chance to learn the latest from Microsoft when it comes to Fabric product features and allows you and your teams to get hands-on with the product through workshops on March 30 and April 3. Throughout FabCon, there will be opportunities for you to connect with Microsoft executives, meet with customers, and connect with peers.


On March 30, Microsoft will be hosting the FabCon Partner Pre-Day. This is a special day dedicated to our Microsoft partners and is free for registered FabCon attendees. Our Partner Pre-Day will feature keynotes by Wangui McKelvey on the opportunity for partners in data and analytics and Ashley Asdourian on the partner opportunity with Microsoft and afternoon breakouts for software company attendees including a session with our Microsoft VP and GM of Fabric OneLake and Fabric ISVs, Dipti Borkar.


For questions about group discounts and partner referral programs, please contact the 

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