Forum Discussion

Brian1T's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 26, 2024

Word Export to PowerPoint feature removed?

Is it just me or has the File/Export/Export to PowerPoint presentation option just been removed from Office 365? It was there a week of so back.

Can anyone help with this?

  • Dr_N_B_Shridhar's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I do not why the Microsoft plays such game with the users. No one knows the answers. Let them do any experiments to improve the versions, but should see that the customers should not suffer. As on date no answer to this problem. Only microsoft people to do something. Till then no other way than waiting

  • iwan-everlong's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    As the others have said, I have used it in the past few months, but it is now gone.

    Would like to know if it's gone because of a bug or was it planned? If planned, where could I find the feature?

  • Egydude's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    It’s gone at my end as well, tried to use Copilot but it was a fail. We need this feature back please  

  • BernieP's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I can't find it either on the online or desktop versions. The preview feature was removed from the program when I needed it the most. So sad.
  • eganz770's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    An attorney here voiced the same concern.  Looks like we've lost this feature as well.  It was a "preview" feature.  Likely pulled it and will add it to E3 or E5 or try to put it behind the copilot paywall...  

    What frustrates me is our users shouldn't see "preview" features...  Now I have an attorney who is frustrated becasue he drafted a lengthy word doc to import to powerpoint and he wasted his time and has to manually copy the info to a powerpoint.  

    Not a good look for us.  

  • Brian1T 


    The feature still exist, may I know if you are using in the application level or by web, please note Internet Explorer or Safari browsers have limitations

    • jyoungatc's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      I would like to add that I no longer have the feature.  I've used it weekly for the past 3 months.  Currently using Chrome.  Tried 2 different institutional accounts.  No options.  Would truly appreciate knowing why it is no longer an option.

    • Brian1T's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hmmm really? I've tried Edge and Chrome, all web Word, 2 x office 365 accounts, 3 different computers, The last time I tried it was October 17 and it worked fine. The Export to PowerPoint was available back then and now it is not!
