Forum Discussion

  • matt91070's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    You can use Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool to change (.exe) file to an intunewin file and upload it to Intune.

  • Hello, hardware applications can typically be installed the same way you install an app. Have you had a look at using Windows Update for Business to install certified drivers?

  • Hi, What kind of drivers would you like to push/install? if I may ask


    You could create a win32 app intunewinapp package and add the folder with drivers to it

    And you could add a PowerShell script to install the drivers


    Add-WindowsDriver -Path "c:\offline" -Driver "c:\test\drivers" -Recurse




    Get-ChildItem "C:\Driver File Location" -Recurse -Filter "*inf" | ForEach-Object { PNPUtil.exe /add-driver $_.FullName /install }

