Forum Discussion
Jul 03, 2024Copper Contributor
Renew App registration secret with Powershell
Hello everyone, is it possible to create a new secret for an existing app registration via powershell? Thanks for tips and suggestions in advance!
Jul 03, 2024Steel Contributor
You can use the API endpoint with method POST (App ID is obscured):
$url = "****-***-*******/addPassword"
$appAssignmentHashtable = @{}
$appAssignmentHashtable.mobileAppAssignments =
@([ordered]@{ "passwordCredential"=
[ordered]@{ "displayname"= "TestTN";
"endDateTime"= "2024-12-30T10:27:35.455Z";
"startDateTime"= "2024-07-03T09:27:35.455Z"
$appAssignmentJSON = $appAssignmentHashtable | ConvertTo-Json -depth 10
$body= $appAssignmentJSON -replace '""','null'
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $url -Body $body -Method POST -OutputType PSObject
There is also a new Entra Module that can perform this:
New-EntraApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId "057702ab-3ea0-******-******"
See here more information: