Forum Discussion

nycking's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 06, 2019

Onenote with Onedrive - Security & other

Hi- I searched long and hard on here but couldnt find authoritative responses. I'm sure similar question are on many minds.


I'm using Onenote 2016 desktop on windows 10 now and onenote app on android. my 2 notebooks are kept on onedrive and synced via onenote. My questions:

1. How secure is onenote - onedrive data sync- both up and down from android and desktop to & from cloud. Can I trust to keep my bank account login details etc. (thats my test of being confidential though I prolly wont do it)


2.  And now that Onenote2019 desktop is launched and there's also Win10 Onenote App (that I'm considering switching to)- which app's functionality on following attributes is more robust and will evolve faster 

A. Ability to Search (this is major) across sections and multiple notebooks with one click - both on PC and android. The current search on Onenote 2016 desktop really sucks...never able to find multiple pages in a quick glance

B. Similar UI on Android and PC.

C. Improved & Secure sync between Android app - Cloud - PC.

D. Ability to create quick hyperlinks across sections etc. So I want to have details on tasks/projects (incl. notes) on say one or many page/s (say pages 2 thru 100) and have ability to create a tasks summary checklist (like table of contents) on Page 1 - so I know what all tasks I need to do to consider my life done for week 🙂

E. Ability to create an Archive section (defined) and then as I click a page or page contents and click an archive button - it moves the entire content to this archive section (which is searcheable but not occupying active pages)

F. Ability to use onenote like a running journal but in "reverse chron order" - so I keep adding notes/call details each hour and it moves it down - without me having to change pages- latest note on top and earliest furthest down.


Sorry for a bit long post - would greatly appreciate experts' opinions, on each of above points please..
