Forum Discussion

Ernesto Sanchez's avatar
Ernesto Sanchez
Copper Contributor
Aug 29, 2016

Ability to create Inbox Subfolders for Groups

Not finding any info anywhere on this topic so posting here.  


The Need:

  1. The ability to create email subolders just like with our primary email accounts



Ernesto Sanchez

  • chrislazok's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Ernesto Sanchez 


    Manage Folders and Rules feature in Microsoft 365 Groups - Microsoft 365 Enterprise | Microsoft Learn


    You have to be a PowerShell Admin:

    Summary of Linked Solution above:

    1. Install the "ExchangeOnlineManagement" Module for PowerShell

    2. Run the Policy Scripts given in the linked instructions.

    3. Navigate to   and a newly visible box for enabling users to Edit or create folders with be available.  Please check the box.



    Trust but verify in powershell:   Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List IsGroupFoldersAndRulesEnabled







  • kirstie3340's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    This was working for a while and not it's not working anymore. Anyone knows what happened.
      • el_Mono's avatar
        Copper Contributor


        Properties for the group can be displayed individually:

        Get-UnifiedGroup "Accounting Department" | FL


        Check the IsMemberAllowedToEditContent value. If it is blank, explicitly set it to $True:

        Set-UnifiedGroup "Accounting Department" -IsMemberAllowedToEditContent $True


        I've found that lately Microsoft 365 Group creation ignores the default org config mentioned above, so explicitly setting it, then waiting a half hour for replication to occur resolves it.


        I haven't found a setting that fixes the greyed out inbox rules, but I'll update when I do.



  • yugoport's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Incredible how 5 years later there's still no solution for this.

    • scottm305's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Sharing my frustration with this as well.  The only use as it stands is an email archive to that email address.  With multiple users having access, subfolders is a non-negotiable for the feature to have operational value for a team.  Very disappointing this has not been resolved by now.

      • Rob Nicholson's avatar
        Rob Nicholson
        Brass Contributor
        This is probably one of the biggest limitations and annoyances with Microsoft 365 group conversations.
  • Vancenz's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Just finding this tread and seeing my problem is over 5 years old and not resolved.
    Very disappointing.
    • JBudz's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      We have now integrated Teams in our organization and everything I read about M365 groups indicated that an M365 group would receive a fully functional 'Mailbox.' What they really mean is a fully functional 'Inbox,' not Mailbox. Our groups highly desire and need the ability to create subfolders. I think the documentation needs to be a little clearer on the differences. Hopefully Microsoft will recognize the need for this functionality. Please and thank you!
    • chrislazok's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Ernesto Sanchez 

      Manage Folders and Rules feature in Microsoft 365 Groups - Microsoft 365 Enterprise | Microsoft Learn

      You have to be a PowerShell Admin:

      Summary of Linked Solution above:

      1. Install the "ExchangeOnlineManagement" Module for PowerShell

      2. Run the Policy Scripts given in the linked instructions.

      3. Navigate to   and a newly visible box for enabling users to Edit or create folders with be available.  Please check the box.


      Trust but verify in powershell:   Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List IsGroupFoldersAndRulesEnabled

  • JWeav's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This limitation, is preventing our organisation from moving to groups and are now looking at no MS solutions, as we have waited long enough for this to be rectified by MS.


    Subfolders are required on a group mailbox.

  • You're supposed to only be interacting with the Inbox. No other folders, no subfolders. Not a huge fan of this limitation :) Even the Junk E-mail folder is not exposed, which is definitely an issue in my book. But we are supposed to be getting some sort of solution there...
      • srhoag's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Amazing that such a simple feature, which is widely used with other email boxes, is not available in a Group email. Way to go Micro$oft!
    • Ernesto Sanchez's avatar
      Ernesto Sanchez
      Copper Contributor

      Hopefully sooner then later.  We just want the same functionality that our shared mailboxes have.  We've been trained to use email subfolders so it is akward to not have them for the group inbox.




