Forum Discussion

PatrickF11's avatar
Steel Contributor
Jul 11, 2019

dynamic group based on assigned license



is it possible to create a group with users based on a assigned license?

So i want to include all users into this specific group who has e.g. an E3 license assigned, but not an E5.


It seems, that the only way is to use the a ServicePlan name, not a SKU name, isn't it?

Even better would be a dynamic membership rule based on the SKU, not on a ServicePlan.


What i tried to do:

1. Get-MsolAccountSKU to find out the SKU name

2. Created a dynamic group without knowing which syntax to use :D

3. Used this dynamic membership rule as a workaround:

(user.assignedPlans -any ((assignedPlan.service -match "NAME") -and (assignedPlan.capabilityStatus -eq "Enabled")))


(I found the ServicePlan names via Get-MsolAccountSku | Where-Object {$_.SkuPartNumber -eq “ENTERPRISEPREMIUM”} | ForEach-Object {$_.ServiceStatus}


Thank you ina advance.

Patrick :)

  • HritikRaushan1's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I also encountered through the same problem as PatrickF11 
    I went through all the suggestion with no luck 
    I want to create a dynamic group with all the user who has been assigned with office 365 e5 licenses.

    • PatrickF11's avatar
      Steel Contributor
      Thank you Josh, at this moment i already know how to deal with that. 🙂
      The linked article from Thijs Lecomte is really great, although I had to taught this by myself.
      • Nick_Zhitkov's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        This works perfectly for the dynamic group:
        user.assignedPlans -any (assignedPlan.service -eq "TeamspaceAPI" -and assignedPlan.capabilityStatus -eq "Enabled")

        To get Service names you can run PowerShell: 

        Get-AzureADUser -SearchString "UserName" | Select -ExpandProperty AssignedPlans

        The whole idea is that you can combine results by the part of the name using "contains" (to get all users licensed for AAD for. instance). I use it to get all users with any Teams License for any E or F licenses.
        For the license separation you can use name that only exisit for the E3/E5 plan but you can do the same with Service Plan IDs. 

        I hope it helped. 

  • Ketzpatel's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Yes you can do this using any of your serviceplan ID and status. user.assignedPlans -any (assignedPlan.servicePlanId -eq "serviceplanID" -and assignedPlan.capabilityStatus -eq "Enabled")
  • Steven-H's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    You can do this using the following advanced rule



    (user.assignedPlans -any (assignedPlan.servicePlanId -eq "<servicePlanId>" -and assignedPlan.capabilityStatus -eq "Enabled"))



    You can lookup service plan ids by using the Graph Explorer and looking at licenseDetails on a user that has the desired license assigned.





    Look in the resulting output for the specific thing to key off.



    Graph Explorer 

    licenseDetails (Graph API) 


    • PatrickF11's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      Hi Steven-H 


      Thanks for your reply, this is nearly the same of what i'm using at the moment.

      (Except that u use the id and not the name.)


      Edit: I didn't think about the approach via the graph, thank you 🙂

      • shathaway's avatar
        Copper Contributor



        I was wondering if you have found a solution to creating a dynamic group based on license.  I am looking to the do the same.


        Thank you,



  • PatrickF11 sadly, this is (one of the many) limitation of the Graph, there's no going around it. Until they give us proper filtering capabilities, but doesn't look like much is happening on that front either.


    You can of course always filter them "client-side" and use the resulting set of users to populate some other attribute, which you can then use to create the dynamic membership rule.

  • PatrickF11 


    Hi if these users are using dedicated devices, you could set the dynamic group to target device model type. This is how we run our dynamic groups....

  • Why don’t u use licensing groups to assign licenses? If you don’t want to use this group for more, just create a dynamic group that pulls members of it?
    • PatrickF11's avatar
      Steel Contributor

      adam deltinger  I don't want to assign licenses.

      I want all users with a specific license to make Self Service Password Reset available.

      This is why i want to create a dynamic group with all users with a specific license.
