Forum Discussion
Darryl Felstead
Jun 12, 2017Copper Contributor
Identify which user deleted an O365 group?
We recently had a group go AWOL, and though we were able to dig it up thanks to Restore-AzureADMSDeletedDirectoryObject, we are not able to identify how the group was deleted. Is there a way to pull ...
- Jun 12, 2017
AzureAD's audit logs should show who deleted a group.
Amish Raj
Apr 17, 2018Copper Contributor
Hi ,
What kind of permission required to delete an sharepoint O365 group site.urgent please respond asap
Apr 17, 2018
Owners can delete their own group, or anyone with admin rights over your AzureAD.
In about 2 years of using Groups this has happened to us twice, simple to restore and then remove that user from having ownership.