Forum Discussion

bhanu chintha's avatar
bhanu chintha
Iron Contributor
Jul 15, 2018

Turn-off automatic team site creation on creating O365 Group

Hello Everyone,


Can anyone please let me know if there is a way that i can disable/turn-off the automatic team site creation on creating O365 Group (or) removing the permissions on the new team site that gets created automatically for all the respective O365 Group users.


Thanks in advance.


Thanks & Regards,


  • No, theres is not a way to do that and the reason actually is quite simple: by design, when you create an Office 365 Group, a SPO site collection is created behind the scenes....might I ask we you want to disable the site creation as part of the Group creation? If you don't want the site to be created: why are you creating an Office 365 Group? Just create a security group instead
  • No, theres is not a way to do that and the reason actually is quite simple: by design, when you create an Office 365 Group, a SPO site collection is created behind the scenes....might I ask we you want to disable the site creation as part of the Group creation? If you don't want the site to be created: why are you creating an Office 365 Group? Just create a security group instead
    • RVMLM's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Well... sometimes you just don't want another unused SharePoint site (because some people just use mail and teams) while in the same time you try to gather your oganisation's resources in a limited number of sites... As MS Teams shared files are stored in SharePoint document library, I guess the huge list of useless "sites" in SP's admin is mandatory too... Thanks for this answer anyway, the best it seems.

    • bhanu chintha's avatar
      bhanu chintha
      Iron Contributor

      Hello jcgonzalezmartin


      Thanks for the quick reply and pointing me to the right option.


      I was trying the Mail-enabled security group. Is there any option to view and manage the mails that are sent/received to the Mail-enabled Group similar to O365 group.



      Thanks & Regards,


      • cfiessinger's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Bhanu can you please tell us more about the use case/scenario you are trying to achieve?
