Forum Discussion

Mike Hatheway's avatar
Mike Hatheway
Brass Contributor
Feb 09, 2021

Phone Call Link in SharePoint View/Column Formatting

Does anyone know of a way (or a workaround) to get tel:123-456-7890 links working in view/column formatting?


This would be very helpful for showing contact links with "click to call" on mobile. 

It already works for "mailto" links, but "tel" links are not working. 



  • waldekMike Hatheway Unfortunately, no. In List Formatting, link protocols are whitelisted and only http, https, mailto, and relative links (start with /) are allowed. All other href values won't be rendered. :sad:

    • waldekMike Hatheway Unfortunately, no. In List Formatting, link protocols are whitelisted and only http, https, mailto, and relative links (start with /) are allowed. All other href values won't be rendered. :sad:

      • Mike Hatheway's avatar
        Mike Hatheway
        Brass Contributor

        Thanks theChrisKent 

        If anyone sees this change, please let me know.

        I have a client that loves this "mobile card view" we built for thier contacts, but "phone" links would take it to the next level.



