Forum Discussion

Numberone1's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 16, 2021

Sharepoint List

Hi everyone. So here I have a starting tenant with a starting Sharepoint list. Now I want to integrate it into an arrival tenant with an arrival Sharepoint list. How to do this using powershell?

  • Numberone1,

    For list data migration, you can use Microsoft supported SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT) or 3rd party tool like ShareGate Desktop

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  • AdamWoj's avatar
    Iron Contributor


    I know this already has best answer but the initial question was to use powershell and, at least I think so, to move List with data from Tenant A to Tenant B. If this is something that simple we could do it using following commands in PnP Powershell:

     # step 1. connect to some site where is the list on tenant A
     Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://SiteUrlFromTenantA"
     # step 2. get list template
     Get-PnPSiteTemplate -Out "C:\TempDemo.xml" -ListsToExtract "testList" -Handlers Lists -Force
     # step 3. populate list template with data
     Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate -Path "C:\TempDemo.xml" -List "testList"
     # step 4. disconnect from tenant A
     # step 5. connect to some site where is the list on tenant B
     Connect-PnPOnline -Url "https://SiteUrlFromTenantB"
     # step 6. apply the list template with data
     Invoke-PnPSiteTemplate -Path "C:\TempDemo.xml"

    I hope this will be of any help 🙂 

  • Numberone1 Can you please explain more about your requirements? what is "arrival tenant" & what exactly you mean by "integrate"?


    If you want to copy list/site/tenant structure, check this documentation of PnP provisioning engine: Introducing the PnP provisioning engine 

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      • ganeshsanap's avatar


        For list data migration, you can use Microsoft supported SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT) or 3rd party tool like ShareGate Desktop

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