Forum Discussion
Oct 12, 2020Steel Contributor
Get the ID used in a link for accessing a Booking appointment
Is there a way to get the ID used in a link to the booking appointment with Graph API?[BookingCalendarAddress]/bookings/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This ...
Jan 13, 2021Copper Contributor
Martin-Coupal , did you ever found an answer to this question? I ran into the same issue where I need this booking id so that I can get back to an existing booking on the bookings page using this id. The appointment id stored in bookings is a different one that's returned by the graph API.
- Martin-CoupalJan 14, 2021Steel Contributor
Sukumar2021, no I did not find this information. I guess it should be returned by the api but it is not for now....
- Sukumar2021Mar 02, 2021Copper ContributorFound the solution. Subscriptionid field is rather converted to short id used in the link. Subscriptionid is converted to 22 char shortid using convert.tobase64string method.
- umer_jMar 02, 2021Copper Contributor
Sukumar2021 Thank you. By Subscription Id, do you mean appointment Id?
Graph Query:
Regards Umer
- umer_jMar 01, 2021Copper Contributor