Forum Discussion
Apr 08, 2020Brass Contributor
How to manage a bookings site after the owner leaves the organization
I have done a bit of digging and cannot seem to find this anywhere, so I thought I would try here. I am looking to find out if there is a way to easily manage Bookings sites after a sole owner leaves the organization. I understand that these sites all have back-end mailboxes but I cannot find an easy way to add an owner through powershell or through the Bookings pages even as a Global Admin. Any help or insight would be great!
- SubhamKSinha
Thomps_0 ,
Try adding a super user to a booking mailbox. Add staff to Bookings | Microsoft Learn
And then you can successfully delete a booking mailbox as superuser. (Remove-BookingMailbox -Identity
You could also login to bookings UI and add other as staff as a superuser (this can be only done through UI or GRAPH).
- MSCommunityCopper Contributor
SubhamKSinha I tried all that but when I try to apply any changes, they don't apply. I don't want to delete the site, I want to add someone else as admin. The only way I've been able to get close to what I want to do, is to make a copy of the site, and then everything works fine.
- MichaelOlivIron Contributor
Thanks. I missed that one :
Add-RecipientPermission -Identity <bookingmailbox@emailaddress> -Trustee <adminusers@emailaddress> -AccessRights SendAs -Confirm:$falseIn summary :
- Extract the list of all Bookings : get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails scheduling
- Add this permission : Add-MailboxPermission -Identity <bookingmailbox@emailaddress> -User <adminusers@emailaddress> -AccessRights FullAccess -Deny:$false -AutoMapping:$false
- Add this last permission : Add-RecipientPermission -Identity <bookingmailbox@emailaddress> -Trustee <adminusers@emailaddress> -AccessRights SendAs -Confirm:$false
And I create a little script to find booking without staff on it:
$AllBookingsMailbox = get-mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails scheduling foreach ($BookingMailbox in $AllBookingsMailbox) { $Permissions = Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $BookingMailbox.Identity $NbPermissions = $Permissions.Count #If only 2 permissions that is the default ones If ($NbPermissions -eq 2) { Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $BookingMailbox.Identity |Format-List } }
- Kreera_HouseSteel Contributor
Thomps_0 Ken_VUB You add a new or additional admin to the Bookings site by giving them Full Access permissions to the Bookings mailbox and they can then open the site through the Bookings web app:
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity <BookingsMailbox> -User <BookingsSiteAdminUser> -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All
- Kreera_HouseSteel Contributor
LisaJo48 With Get-Mailbox you can obtain the full name of the Scheduling mailbox the Bookings site uses. Then you can assign Full Access permissions with the cmdlet I posted above. Here is more detailed info on this cmdlet:
- Thomps_0Brass Contributor
Kreera_House I struggled with initially to find the bookings mailbox name. To find it, go to the Bookings Page and under "Share your page" you can see the email account name created for your site in the share URL. The issue I had is these accounts don't show up in ECP, and initially I didn't realize they were a specific RecipientTypeDetails value.
With that, you can also use this to get all your Bookings mailboxes:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SchedulingMailbox'}- j0rt3g4Copper Contributor
- Ken_VUBBrass ContributorMake someone else owner of the bookings page? but it should be able the keep bookings calenders running at department level when the original owner is leaving the org.
- ddmurrayjrCopper ContributorHow do you make someone else the owner? I've tried accessing bookings calendars and I get 'you don't have access to this...'. My account is a global admin. Any help appreciated; I find it difficult to find any administrative info on this app.