Forum Discussion

Jimmy Sjölund's avatar
Jimmy Sjölund
Copper Contributor
Nov 06, 2018

How to set up a recurring survey with Forms?

We'd like to set up a survey that before each morning meeting checked the mood of everyone in the meeting. Ideally this would be an automated survey that is triggered every morning and the graphical result posted either on the team SharePoint or in the Teams channel.


However, after much searching and fiddling with Forms and Flow (and other obscure ideas) I have not succeeded in making a Form reset every morning and to automatically display the result.


The "closest" I have managed is to use the Forms bot in the Teams channel to manually create the poll every time. But the downside is that it's manual and it disappears from the view when people chat in the channel.


Does anyone have any thoughts on how this could be possible? If possible at all?

  • Robert_Solczak's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Jimmy Sjölund I know that's quite an old question, but anyway I'll post my solution that might help the others.

    What I did is:

    1. setup a recurring e-mail to my team members with a link to the MS Forms
    2. then, since MS Forms standard report of responses doesn't allow to filter through submission date I created a PBI report feeding on the Excel file that is linked to this form
      1. if you 'Open in Excel', you'll see a file that's automatically updated upon submission of new responses. Copy its web address. In case you don't know how to do that -> Full Path to Workbook (Microsoft Excel) (
      2. create a PBI report and get the Excel file as a source (in order to use the web, in source step replace 'File' with 'Web' and you may paste the "https" address of Excel file)

    This way you get refreshable PBI report that you may share with anyone through an app and you aren't limited in any way in terms of visualizations (you can see timelines, trends, all kinds of details).


    Hope that helps!

    • HAdams996's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Robert_Solczak, Is there any way you can add visuals to this explanation? This is the answer I think I have been looking for!

      • Robert_Solczak's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I'll happily help - can you tell me which point specifically you'd like me to visualize?
  • jsundstrom's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Jimmy Sjölund is there a workaround for this yet? My team wants to send a weekly form asking "How Was Your Week" and the president receives the emails. Is there a way to automate this and make it recurring?

    • RobElliott's avatar
      Silver Contributor

      jsundstrom yes it's do-able if you use a flow in Power Automate with the trigger as a recurrence schedule set to 1 week and the action is to send an email to your users with a link to the form. A separate flow would grab the responses and send them via an email to your president.


      Los Gallardos
      Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User

      • ThorbenW's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        @RobElliot "A separate flow would grab the responses and send them via an email to your president." - do you have a detailled introduction for it? I have managed weekly surveys but cannot get weekly results automatically.
  • I personally would create a powerapp for this. But it’s not quiet as easy to do as a form but you really can’t do this with forms since the apis and what not aren’t there yet to really automate that part of forms yet.
