Forum Discussion
Jan 31, 2024Trevor Noah: Q&AI
Trevor Noah and Kate Behncken, CVP, Microsoft Philanthropies, talk about the role of curiosity and questions in the midst of the big changes and challenges that AI transformation brings.
How are you fostering a sense of curiosity and a growth mindset at your organization?
Respond to Trevor's insights and add your own ideas and questions here! Thanks for being a part of the Summit.
- JAYTEE66Copper ContributorGreat to see Trevor so genuinely passionate about the real world applications of technology, and particularly AI. Look forward to working with amazing Non-profits to deliver even more of these outcomes.
- ArchanaVermaCopper ContributorThanks for the inspiration!
- jeffmutegiCopper ContributorIt was insightful and interesting discussion, 'what if I am wrong' analogy was the quote of the day
- galuiseCopper ContributorTrevor was such an insightful speaker
- Beth_KanterIron ContributorI love that question! I think that leaders need to give staff permission to be curious. When there is time scarcity, we get overwhelmed or feel we have to focus on getting stuff done. But that gets in the way of being curious. Being curious is energizing and a gift!
- EliCookCopper ContributorRecently when discussing with a coworker that they needed a letter of recommendation for thier child's application to a particular school, I suggested that we try to write the letter using AI. In 5 minutes with reading and revising a few paragraphs he had a solid letter that just needed a few details entered about his child's accomplishments. Running that demo for him made a huge impact on how he viewed AI and how it can supplement his workload.
- ccaineCopper Contributor
- LorenBxCopper ContributorReally appreciated Trevor’s and Kate’s part of the session! Made several notes I’ll be reviewing later.
- mikevankCopper ContributorGreat Talk. Very valuable information.
- BenkteshCopper ContributorGreat sessions. I am focusing more on potential of AI in enhanching productivity rather than on risk (of not using AI).