Forum Discussion
Jul 19, 2022Brass Contributor
MCT Enrollment Fee
Hi, We were going through the new MCT enrollment process, there we found the MCT Enrollment Pay Link , which is not working, it's directing to the central, but no info on the fee. We are from Ind...
Jul 19, 2022Learn Expert
The MCT fee is currently waived
Aug 02, 2022Copper Contributor
Hi Julian,
I was looking for some information regarding MCT. I was today at the Microsoft authorized center to do some free teaching part of the new MCT requirements. but told me how am I going to do because everything is online? where about i can get some information for the new MCT application process
I was looking for some information regarding MCT. I was today at the Microsoft authorized center to do some free teaching part of the new MCT requirements. but told me how am I going to do because everything is online? where about i can get some information for the new MCT application process
- Julian_SharpAug 02, 2022Learn Expertjose_2208 As eliekarkafy said the requirements to become an MCT can be found at
Essentially, there are two separate requirements
1. Hold a current associate or expert level certification from the list here
2, Have proof of instructional skills from one of the organizations listed here Note the use of a personal reference was removed on July 1st so you can't ask the training center to vouch for your training skills any more- jose_2208Sep 03, 2022Copper ContributorMorning Julian, get this response from Microsoft "Thank you for submitting your Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) application. The instructional skills certificate you provided could not be validated; therefore, your MCT application has not been approved."
"You can upload another instructional skills certificate here. You can also choose to validate your training experience through a professional reference. Please submit the reference’s contact information here"
"In order for your application to be approved, we must receive both your MCT Program fee and validation of your training skills in the form of a training skills certificate or a professional reference."
I completed "Microsoft Core Training Skills Course" for my instructional skills. Also, I have received a certification of achievement from the master trainer. I can provide a pdf of my Microsoft core training skills course if needed, it was declined.
my other question is I have been told that the fee is no longer required it could be waived but I can't see how to pay, or waive it, still I'm being told that you have to receive the fee.
I will appreciate your help- Julian_SharpSep 03, 2022Learn ExpertFirst thing, the fee. The email you received mentioning the fee is wrong. The fee is currently waived so when you apply the fee will be zero and you do not have to pay.
- jose_2208Aug 30, 2022Copper Contributor
I'm going through the new MCT enrollment process, I have completed the two requirements now please find the screenshots attached. what will be the next steps in terms of fees? I'm located in the UK. Julian_Sharp
- Julian_SharpAug 30, 2022Learn ExpertThere is no fee. It takes about 2 weeks to be approved. If you haven't heard raise a ticket on
- eliekarkafyAug 02, 2022MVPjose_2208 please go over the below link to know what are the requirements and how to apply to the MCT program and what are the benefits.
then once your verify that your eligible you can use the below tool to enroll jose_2208Aug 02, 2022Copper Contributor
eliekarkafy Thank you for the information I'm qualified to apply for it but what about Instructional training where about I can this teaching qualification do you know where about I can some more information, please
- eliekarkafyAug 02, 2022MVPYou need to contact the company that you gave training for them and send an invite from the tool for the concerned person and this person need to validate the email for you pass this step and validate with that company that your perform training session for them