Forum Discussion
Mar 29, 2023Meet the Microsoft Learn experts
The Microsoft Learn Community experiences are supported by technical subject matter experts, which are present throughout our community resources based on their area of expertise. Connect with this worldwide network of experts who have technical and training experience, are passionate about the community, and can offer unique knowledge to help you achieve your skilling goals.
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Microsoft Learn expert |
Topic Area |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
- gulnazmushtaqLearn ExpertThank you, Kerry. Much appreciated. We are excited to be a helping hand for Microsoft technologies learners and enthusiasts.
- suresh_sharmaCopper Contributor
- hassan_loxurBrass ContributorThank you to everyone for their efforts in providing support and creative ideas
- Armando-LacerdaLearn ExpertYes, let's go! Let's learn from each other what is there to learn about Microsoft tech on data and AI and show everyone else we master these services by getting certified. I'll see you all at the learning room.