Forum Discussion
Mar 29, 2023Meet the Microsoft Learn experts
The Microsoft Learn Community experiences are supported by technical subject matter experts, which are present throughout our community resources based on their area of expertise. Connect with this worldwide network of experts who have technical and training experience, are passionate about the community, and can offer unique knowledge to help you achieve your skilling goals.
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Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Azure |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Business Applications |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
Data and AI |
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General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
General Technologies |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Modern Work |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
- Great initiative! :party_popper:
- technologBrass ContributorHow does one become an expert?
- Surya_NarayanaIron ContributorDear Kerry1485, can you pl share more details about this ? how to reach here ? what needs be done to becom experts ? etc
- Kerry1485
Hi Surya_Narayana - I would love to share more with you. I'll reach out to in a separate thread.
- lilkongerIron ContributorThe Microsoft Technical Trainers have created a Microsoft Learning Room back in April. It's called "Azure Infrastructure by MTTs Learning Room". Feel free to join and collaborate with our learners.
- m-bkeetBrass Contributorشكرا للجميع علي جهودهم في تقديم الدعم والافكار الابداعية
- hassan_loxurBrass Contributorشكرا جزيلا لحضرتك دكتور محمد
- m-bkeetBrass Contributorبالتوفيق سعادة الخبير الدولي
- NickTaranovCopper ContributorHello Kerry,
I'm good at Development & DevOps (think AZ-204 & AZ-400) and also consume AI services on a daily basis (AI-102 services, ChatGPT). I want to be an MS Learn Expert, helping the community via the room. Is this possible? - Surya_NarayanaIron ContributorHi Kerry, This is nice intiative , you can count one me. i can teach azure fundamentals, associate and expert level certifications. pl let me know how can i part of this initiative ?
- IndiraBandariCopper ContributorThank you Kerry. Join my room if anyone is interested in doing the AI-900 Azure AI Fundamentals certification. I am excited to be part of this Learn initiative.
- arafattehsinLearn ExpertThanks Kerry. I'm stoked to be a part of it. If you're interested in learning about the Applied AI and how you, as a no-code maker, developer or even a data scientist can infuse your solutions with AI. Then join me as we create the future together.
- Rodrigo KonoLearn Expert
That's awesome and a honor to be a part of it!
I am very grateful to contribute and kick off this important way to Microsoft Learn in world wide!
Kerry, thank you for invinting me!
Ever count of me here in Brazil, my friend!
Leeeetssss GO!!!! 🔥🔥🔥⚡⚡⚡ - PakWarriorCopper ContributorHow to become a Learn Expert??