Forum Discussion
Mar 29, 2023Meet the Microsoft Learn experts
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Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
Microsoft Fabric |
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Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
Security, Compliance and Identity |
- BrainydapsCopper ContributorThank you for posting this and giving us a chance to know the people involved in the content of microsoft learn
- MrpranjalmishraCopper Contributorok
- Emju2233Copper ContributorThanks a lot for being a part of this community. Appreciated.
- SanamKhanCopper ContributorThis is nice.. would really love to be part of it.
- mohsen_akhavanCopper Contributor@Kerry14855 Thanks Kery 🙂
- saeiddahl-seCopper ContributorIt's truly incredible to be a part of such a vast community of enthusiastic learners. There's no greater honor than being able to contribute to their learning journey and share my knowledge and experience, particularly with Azure enthusiasts. I'm thrilled to be on this journey with you all!
- guidovbrakelBrass Contributor
I used to contribute to Microsoft Learning also, quite some years ago I made the exam prep guides for server 2012,first on my own blog and then Veronica Sopher reached to me, and I published them on born to learn
See here one in the archives noticed that they somehow introduced in the exam pages for the popular exams, am still really proud that such a simple idea Veronica and I had evolved like that.
I would like to get back into, can we chat about that Kerry1485 - ronnanlimaBrass ContributorExcellent, very good, so we can follow it better, but I'm getting there now haha
- maumoonCopper ContributorGreat