Forum Discussion

Daynar's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 28, 2025

Office Online Server | WinServer 2022 = Unhealthy


I have to install on new server windows (2022 .net 4.8) Office Online Server but after installation and farm setup the status is unhealthy (i added certificate to IIS and it is reachable from sharepoint front server):


Office Online Server (KB5002627) ver 16.0.10416.20047

OfficeWebAppsMachine  | Format-List *

MasterMachineName : X-OOS01
MachineName       : X-OOS01
Roles             : {All}
HealthStatus      : Unhealthy

Farm Setup:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm | fl

FarmOU                                       :
InternalURL                                  : https://oos.mydomain.local/
ExternalURL                                  : https://oos.mydomain.local/
AllowHTTP                                    : True
AllowOutboundHttp                            : False
SSLOffloaded                                 : True
CertificateName                              : MY COMMENT: << HERE I DONT HAVE IT BUT IN ANOTHERS FARMS Office Server work with the same config; cert is in IIS >>
S2SCertificateName                           :
EditingEnabled                               : True
LogLocation                                  : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS
LogRetentionInDays                           : 7
LogVerbosity                                 :
Proxy                                        :
CacheLocation                                : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\d
MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB                       : 75
DocumentInfoCacheSize                        : 5000
CacheSizeInGB                                : 15
ClipartEnabled                               : False
OnlinePictureEnabled                         : False
OnlineVideoEnabled                           : False
MorphEnabled                                 : True
TranslationEnabled                           : False
MaxTranslationCharacterCount                 : 125000
TranslationServiceAppId                      :
TranslationServiceAddress                    :
RenderingLocalCacheLocation                  : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache
RecycleActiveProcessCount                    : 5
AllowCEIP                                    : False
OfficeAddinEnabled                           : False
ExcelRequestDurationMax                      : 300
ExcelSessionTimeout                          : 450
ExcelWorkbookSizeMax                         : 30
ExcelPrivateBytesMax                         : -1
ExcelConnectionLifetime                      : 1800
ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime               : 300
ExcelAllowExternalData                       : True
ExcelUseEffectiveUserName                    : False
ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh                       : True
ExcelUdfsAllowed                             : False
ExcelMemoryCacheThreshold                    : 85
ExcelUnusedObjectAgeMax                      : -1
ExcelCachingUnusedFiles                      : True
ExcelAbortOnRefreshOnOpenFail                : True
ExcelEnableCrossForestKerberosAuthentication : False
ExcelAutomaticVolatileFunctionCacheLifeTime  : 300
ExcelConcurrentDataRequestsPerSessionMax     : 5
ExcelDefaultWorkbookCalcMode                 : File
ExcelRestExternalDataEnabled                 : True
ExcelChartAndImageSizeMax                    : 1
OpenFromUrlEnabled                           : False
OpenFromUncEnabled                           : True
OpenFromUrlIntranetIpEnabled                 : True
OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled                 : True
PicturePasteDisabled                         : True
RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs            : False
AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections              : False
Machines                                     : {X-OOS01}

 I found in OOO uls logs problem with watchdog agent, could someone help me with that?


2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - DocumentSessionServiceWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WebWordEditorSaveServiceWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - BroadcastServicesWatchdog_App	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - BroadcastServicesWatchdog_Wfe	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - DiskCacheWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ExcelServicesEcsWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ExcelServicesWfeWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - FarmStateManagerWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - HostingServiceWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ImagingWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - PowerPointEditingServicesWatchdog_App	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - PowerPointViewingServicesWatchdog_App	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - PowerPointViewingServicesWatchdog_Web	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - ProofingWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - Rtc2Watchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	ailr1	Medium	Health status for UlsControllerWatchdog, Category = 10001, Status Properties: UlsControllerWatchdog(10001): Health: Okay, Last Update: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Previous Health = , Last Transition Time: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Last persistent health: Okay, Last persistent update: 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Last Message = "HealthReportingAdapter received 1 report(s) from UlsControllerWatchdog successfully."	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - UlsFileWriterWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WebOneNoteWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WebWordEditorWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	ailr1	Medium	Health status for WordDocumentSessionServiceWatchdog, Category = 10001, Status Properties: WordDocumentSessionServiceWatchdog(10001): Health: Okay, Last Update: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Previous Health = , Last Transition Time: 02/28/2025 14:22:09, Last persistent health: Okay, Last persistent update: 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Last Message = "HealthReportingAdapter received 2 report(s) from WordDocumentSessionServiceWatchdog successfully."	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WordViewerWfeWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	afk5i	Medium	Setting Machine health to Unhealthy since there were no reports for this watchdog - WordViewerAppManagerWatchdog	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	ag9ct	Medium	Because WordDocumentSessionService is unhealthy, the machine is unhealthy.	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	ag9ct	Medium	Because Imaging is unhealthy, the machine is unhealthy.	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606
2025-02-28 14:22:15.93	AgentManagerWatchdog.exe (0x1DF8)	0x2620	Hosted Services Infrastructure	Service Manager Watchdog	ag9ct	Medium	Because UlsFileWriter is unhealthy, the machine is unhealthy.	15fb996f-6bcd-4abc-848e-77f99db96606


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