Forum Discussion

Dorje-McKinnon's avatar
Steel Contributor
Aug 06, 2020

Microsoft Search - does not respect hidden user accounts!

Hi Everyone,


We have hybrid onprem and M365 environment.

To hide user accounts e.g. service accounts from SharePoint online intranet search we use Tania Menice method of setting the Exchange property msExchHideFromAddressLists = true


To illustrate the issue lets assume:

- In active directory on premise and azure a user exists

- This user has msExchHideFromAddressLists = true, so searching for Careers in Outlook shows no suggested email address 


If we were using Classic SharePoint Online search this is fine e.g. /search/Pages/peopleresults.aspx#k=careers will not return our test user


We are using the Microsoft Search , organisation wide within our SharePoint online environment. Searching for careers  /_layouts/15/search.aspx?q=careers shows our test user despite msExchHideFromAddressLists = true


If we search for careers again and add the    -"SPS-HideFromAddressLists":1    term to our search we get /_layouts/15/search.aspx?q=careers%20%20-"SPS-HideFromAddressLists"%3A1 and our test user is not shown.


My question to you dear reader: Is there somewhere I can set Microsoft Search so that it respects msExchHideFromAddressLists not just in the People vertical but in the ALL vertical ?



I also tested BING logged in as my work account, exactly the same behaviour even down to understanding the   -"SPS-HideFromAddressLists":1   term.



  • Johnnick1035's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi, am having same issue for the past 2 weeks. I don't know what to do? Is there some one who can help me.

  • So this morning (Monday 9am NZ time) about 36 hours after I posted this message, and ... yes Microsoft Search now respects msExchHideFromAddressLists = true flag.

    • Internal sharepoint online ALL vertical search doesn't return the Careers user
    • Bing Work vertical doesn't return the Careers user


    I doubt anything has changed on the M365 side, my guess is that the change I made to On Premise Active Directory just took longer than the documented time to flow through the system.


    This makes sense because as I understand it search makes use of , search results not the actual setting on the actual item at the time the user does the search. So effectively search caches the state of that item until search re-indexes the item.


    >>> Lesson for me <<< and hopefully useful to you.

    Wait for a while.


    Does anyone have a general rule about how long this type of change takes to flow through ?


    NOTE - the one thing I did do after posting my original message, was edit the user's on Premise MailExchangeNickName (I added a hyphen, saved, applied the change, then removed it and saved and applied the change). This may have made a difference ?

    • Vladilen's avatar
      Brass Contributor


      In my experience - Setting “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property to “false” is the most effective way to hide an account from m365 search. Exchange property "HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled" and SharePoint User Profile property "SPS-HideFromAddressLists" are synchronized with “ShowInAddressList” Azure AD User object property .
      Here is my research: Hide User Accounts from Microsoft 365 People Search (for real)

      • ikhan's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Vladilen This is only work on sync users ,what about cloud users , what is steps for fully cloud account (service account-without license) .
