Forum Discussion

Mark-Kashman's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 26, 2016

NEW "People Experiences" throughout Office 365

UPDATE: you can now view the on-demand video recording of the "Discover what's new and what's coming for Office Delve" day 1 breakout session from #MSIgnite 2016.


Microsoft today is introducing new “people experiences” throughout Office 365. “People experiences” in Office 365 help employees stay in the know – by finding content through people they work with; find and share expertise; and connect with each other in one click – all within context, and within the apps and experiences they already use today.


The announcements cover three main offerings:
• NEW Delve Windows 10 app for desktop and mobile
• Intelligent people cards throughout Office 365
• Updates to Office 365 profile pages


Please review the new blog post on to learn more, “Connect to expertise and content with new people experiences throughout Office 365" and install Delve app for Windows 10 now! :robothappy:



Customers are faced with information and document overload. And often the real trick is not what you know, but who you know. And then stretch that a tad more to say it’s really what “they know” that promotes a gain in productivity. “People Experiences” help our customers tap into the power and value of other people – each other – promoting intuitive, proactive knowledge sharing. It helps businesses build a more open, informed and proactive network – one that improves who knows who, and who benefits from what others know.


We look forward to hearing what you think,



Full URL for the new blog if you need to copy/paste:

  • RobOK's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    Two questions (or feature requests), will we have the ability to click on Skill, Project, or University tags to then get a list of all the people with that tag? Maybe a "tag explorer" even? Say I want to find everyone that has a certain skill or everyone that went to a certain school.

    Is there any possibility of Linked In integration, at a minimum have a field with your profile URL that can easily be opened in a popup window. Even better some population of Linked In profile into parts of Delve profile. Not everyone would want this, so have to be controllable.

    • Mark-Kashman's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Rob,


      I'll take the two as feature requests. A tag cloud experience on a person's/people's keywords on their profile makes sense. And with LinkedIn, certainly many minds coming together across a few product groups; nothing I can yet disclose.


      Tom Batcheler as fyi.




      • Dean_Gross's avatar
        Silver Contributor

        The traditional People search in SP has had the functionality described by RobOK for many years. It seems to me that Delve should offer all of that functionality as a minimum.

  • Ivan54's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    There is a new Message Center Announcement from Oct 21th (MC82069) "New profile edit experience for the Office 365 profile page within Delve".

    Does the announement/rollout include the new profiles, or just the profile edit experience?

  • Dean_Gross's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    It would be very helpful if we could control which attributes displayed on the cards. Is this on the roadmap somewhere?
    • Mark-Kashman's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      There are more attributes planned, and some may be tied to the social work distance between two people. I'll funnel the feedback back to eng about selecting what attributes are shown; for now it is as Microsoft programs.

  • Ivan54's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

     Hi Mark-Kashman, nice people pane.

    Just wanted to let you know that the people popup (e.g. in a group files library) also opens up, when I hover over a Group name. 

    I came across this by accident, when I tried different sharing scenarios between office 365 groups and also activated the by default hidden column "shared with". When hovering over this you get the people popup but with a "something went wrong" text and a correlation id.

    • Mark-Kashman's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      I'll let the folks in eng know. Thx for providing the feedback. Group Cards are something on the backlog, and discovering where they should be viewed and how to avoid weird pop ups when more than one name, very important.

  • John Wynne's avatar
    John Wynne
    Silver Contributor
    Great to see this coming through and how Delve is evolving Moving MyAnalytics from Delve is exactly the right move from my perspective. Enjoying the wealth of announcements from Ignite. The virtual experience has been invaluable. Lots to learn!
  • AFAIK I know, not in the short term but I believe this is something it totally makes sense in the future of hybrid architectures
  • Would features like "Updated Office 365 Profiles show numerous details like free/busy calendar information" depend on Exchange Online or potentially work for sites using Exchange on premise in hybrid mode?
    • Mark-Kashman's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Geoffrey,


      Yes, the calendar information would need to come from Exchange Online. I'll push to the team as feedback for sure.



