Forum Discussion
Mar 21, 2023Copper Contributor
howto find number of events contributing to incidents in last one month in sentinel.
how to find number of events contributing to incidents in last one month in sentinel.
Thats screen shot helped.
SecurityIncident | where TimeGenerated > ago(30d) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by tostring(IncidentNumber), Severity | extend Alerts = extract("\\[(.*?)\\]", 1, tostring(AlertIds)) | mv-expand AlertIds to typeof(string) | join ( SecurityAlert | extend Search_Query_Results_Overall_Count_ = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties).["Search Query Results Overall Count"]) | summarize AlertCount=dcount(SystemAlertId) by SystemAlertId, Search_Query_Results_Overall_Count_ ) on $left.AlertIds == $right.SystemAlertId | project IncidentNumber, AlertCount, Search_Query_Results_Overall_Count_
- Clive_WatsonBronze Contributor
If by Events you mean Alerts then this would work?
SecurityIncident | where TimeGenerated > ago(30d) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by tostring(IncidentNumber), Severity | extend Alerts = extract("\\[(.*?)\\]", 1, tostring(AlertIds)) | mv-expand AlertIds to typeof(string) | join ( SecurityAlert | summarize AlertCount=dcount(SystemAlertId) by SystemAlertId ) on $left.AlertIds == $right.SystemAlertId | summarize count(AlertCount) by IncidentNumber, bin(TimeGenerated,1d)
e,g, Incident 186 had 4 Alerts
or do you mean Events as in an EventID or specific issue?- deepak198486Copper Contributor
I meant the events which are captured in evidence of a security incident below is the example. I want count of all the events for all incidents in last one month. ie the actionable events which lead to the incident.
- Clive_WatsonBronze Contributor
Thats screen shot helped.
SecurityIncident | where TimeGenerated > ago(30d) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by tostring(IncidentNumber), Severity | extend Alerts = extract("\\[(.*?)\\]", 1, tostring(AlertIds)) | mv-expand AlertIds to typeof(string) | join ( SecurityAlert | extend Search_Query_Results_Overall_Count_ = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties).["Search Query Results Overall Count"]) | summarize AlertCount=dcount(SystemAlertId) by SystemAlertId, Search_Query_Results_Overall_Count_ ) on $left.AlertIds == $right.SystemAlertId | project IncidentNumber, AlertCount, Search_Query_Results_Overall_Count_