Forum Discussion

smhasn's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 08, 2019

Logs Size and Total Data Received in Azure Sentinel

Hello,   I need to find a way how to check for the logs size in total that is been received from data connectors and the total number of data that is been received?   Regards, Mazhar
  • Eli Shlomo's avatar
    Nov 08, 2019

    There are few ways to collect data from Azure Sentinel:

    • Visualize data using the Azure Data Explorer (including excel report)
    • Using Workbook inside Azure Sentinel to gain extensive insight 
    • Create a PowerBI report (need to create connector and few customizations)
    • With KQL you can pull out any data, example general command:

    // Billable performance data over the last 30 days

    | where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
    | where IsBillable == true
    | summarize TotalVolumeGB = sum(Quantity) / 1024
