Forum Discussion

erlendoyen's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 12, 2020

Playbook (Logic App) - trigger - When Azure Sentinel incident creation rule was triggered



i am attempting to use the trigger "When Azure Sentinel incident creation rule was triggered"  that's in preview.


but the playbook is not triggered even if i know that i have a new incident in Sentinel 


what's missing from the configuration? 

  • What is the GA date for this feature in logic apps? Is there anybody who is aware of this?


  • PrashTechTalk's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    When can we expect this working. Even the private previews doesn't work. Microsoft failed in delivering this again ?
    • Ofer_Shezaf's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      PrashTechTalk  : I am not aware that the private preview does not work. That said, the feature will be supported as part of a larger motion to enhance Sentinel automation, called automatoin rules, which is entering private preview as we speak.

      • SocInABox's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Hi everyone,
        Do these logic apps/playbooks still need to be attached to every single analytics rule?
        I'd like to create a 'global' playbook to add contextual information to every incident.
        eg. apply MITRE SHIELD information to every incident's comment section.
        I'm not eager to go to all 300 analytic rules and assign a playbook.
  • blankachu's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    erlendoyen Go to Analytics and click the alert rule that you want to get alerted on and edit it. The rule type has to be scheduled for you to be able to trigger the playbook. Go to automated response type and select the playbook/logic app that you created and save it. 

    It's kind of confusing but you will have to do it for every alert rule and it doesn't do it for every rule automatically as the logic app suggests.

  • GaryBushey's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    erlendoyen You are probably not going to get much help here as, like you said, the feature is in private preview and we are unable to discuss it.  There should be some email addresses in the preview documents that you can use to ask for assistance.


    • erlendoyen's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hm, I have not applied for a private priview so I assumed it's public preview now?
      • GaryBushey's avatar
        Bronze Contributor

        erlendoyen I think what is happening is the Incident trigger is showing up when creating Playbooks but you still need to be part of the private preview to use it.  I am trying to get verification of this and if I am wrong I will let you know.
