Forum Discussion

JMSHW0420's avatar
Iron Contributor
Feb 09, 2023

RE: Tracking Compliance Status changes for Intune Device(s) with KQL/Playbook



I am looking to build a Playbook based on Intune and Compliance Status.


First I have the following KQL query to check for 'Non-Compliance' status...


| where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel)
| where ComplianceState != "Compliant"
| project TimeGenerated, ComplianceState, DeviceName, DeviceId, OS, UserName, UserEmail
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by DeviceId


Next, I will create an Analytics Rule (using the above query) that with generate an Incident but at the moment will NOT trigger any Automation.


Next, I want to 'capture' when an external trigger ((from a remediation action or Azure Policy) changes the 'Compliance' status changes to 'Compliant' for the Intune device.


Next, I want to capture in another KQL query the following:


- IF an Intune Device HAD the 'Compliance' status of 'Non-Compliance' OVER the last 7 days

- ...AND had an Incident created (this is the bit I am struggling with)

- <Is there a way to check for Incident creation?>

-  ...JOIN (or UNION) against SAME Intune Device where the 'Compliance' status has changed to 'Compliant' in the last 24hrs


Is there a way to perform a JOIN against the IntuneDeviceComplianceOrg TABLE and I believe the new-ish SecurityIncident TABLE?


Next, I want to set the above query against another Analytics Rule, where NO new Incident is generated BUT an Automation 'action' activates a Playbook/Logic App to commit an ACTION to close the 'related' Incident

  • Clive_Watson's avatar
    Bronze Contributor


    It will be something like this.  Lines 1-15 are ok, you will have to play with 16 onwards - the Device details are only in the SecurityAlert so you have to use that for a join (I didnt look closely, so this is just the start of a solution).

    let notCompliant_ =
    // from 7days to 1day ago
    | where TimeGenerated between (ago(7d) ..ago(1d))
    | where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel)
    | where ComplianceState != "Compliant"
    | distinct DeviceName;
    // from 1d to now 
    | where TimeGenerated between (ago(1d) )
    | where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel)
    // only show if Device was previously in the non comoliant list
    | where ComplianceState == "Compliant" and DeviceName in (notCompliant_)
    | project TimeGenerated, ComplianceState, DeviceName, DeviceId, OS, UserName, UserEmail
    | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by DeviceId
    |join (
    | where TimeGenerated between (ago(7d)
    | where AlertName =="Non-Compliant Device Detected"
    | extend DeviceName = tostring(parse_json(Entities)[1].HostName)
    ) on DeviceName


    • JMSHW0420's avatar
      Iron Contributor


      Hi Clive_Watson,


      Sorry for not coming back to you, but I have been in Germany for the last several days.

      I have been looking at Line 16 onwards and becoming a little stuck again. Again any advice would be appreciated.


      So the end goal is to 'retrieve' the related Incident Number (or Id).


      So I have tried to apply a SECOND join on the SecurityAlert table with the SecurityIncident table, matching related AlertIds and then extracting the Incident Number.


      JOIN on the SecurityIncident table not working...


      let notCompliant_ =
      // from 7days to 1day ago
      | where TimeGenerated between (ago(7d) ..ago(1d))
      | where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel)
      | where ComplianceState != "Compliant"
      | distinct DeviceName;
      // from 1d to now
      | where TimeGenerated between (ago(1d) )
      | where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel)
      // only show if Device was previously in the non compliant list
      | where ComplianceState == "Compliant" and DeviceName in (notCompliant_)
      | project TimeGenerated, ComplianceState, DeviceName, DeviceId, OS, UserName, UserEmail
      | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by DeviceId
      | join (
      | where TimeGenerated between (ago(7d)
      | where AlertName == "Non-Compliant Device Detected"
      | extend Entities = iff(isempty(Entities), todynamic('[{"dummy" : ""}]'), todynamic(Entities))
      | mv-expand Entities
      | expand id_ = tostring(Entities.["$id"]),
      DeviceName = tostring(Entities.HostName)
      | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by SystemAlertId
      ) on DeviceName
      | join (
      | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by IncidentNumber
      | extend Alerts = extract("\\[(.*?)\\]", 1, tostring(AlertIds))
      | mv-expand AlertIds to typeof(string)
      ) on $left.SystemAlertId == $right.AlertIds
      | project IncidentName = Title, IncidentNumber=IncidentNumber, AlertName = AlertName

    • JMSHW0420's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Hi Clive_Watson,

      Thank you for the response.

      Had worked on something similar from lines 1- 7 BUT really do appreciate the remaining content of the query.

      I look at lines 16 onwards and come back to you later in the week, IF OK?

      Again, grateful for your help.
