Forum Discussion

IrisU1470's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 15, 2023

[CHANNELS] Post Order - Use Top Down (Recent -Old)


  1. Display post top-down using recent - old (cfr Outlook)
  2. Pin to the top (cfr Outlook)


Currently the ordering of the posts is bottom up, with the most recent post at the bottom.

This is confusing and it deviates from other apps with similar functionalities (fb, twit,...). The use of the team channel to convey important information fails, as users are acustommed to find recent information on top.  I do not understand why MS Teams has adopted another apporach than commonly used is similar applications. Why did you not adhere to your own methodologies: outlook is top-down. Pls use consistent approaches in your apps. Do check the MS-outlook on ordering and pinning post (emails).






  • ChrisWCD's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Why is this being forced on all users? This is atrocious. No change management here. Can we please switch this back or give us the option for sorting preference?
    • sophie123's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Second that. Using this app is a chore and now even more so. Give us the options to set things up how we need it and stop forcing us to your freshest new ideas.

  • bradavon's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    IrisU1470 This is confusing and it deviates from other apps with similar functionalities (fb, twit,...).


    No it doesn't. Facebook, Twitter and Outlook aren't Instant Messaging apps. SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger all work Bottom Up with your new messages at the bottom.


    My Teams has just switched to Top Down and it's now acts unlike any other Instant Messaging app. It was already a consistent approach.


    It's also confusing because Chats are still Bottom Down.

    • Xeleema's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Facebook, Twitter and Outlook are NOT chat-software.
      Look at FaceBook Messanger, Twitter Direct Messages, and Outlook is an EMAIL client.
    • Dean__'s avatar
      Copper Contributor

      "No it doesn't. Facebook, Twitter and Outlook aren't Instant Messaging apps. SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger all work Bottom Up with your new messages at the bottom."

      Exactly this - It's the reason i'm not on twitter also, i hate the idea of reading something backwards - we read top down just like this thread on here so why force this any other way - we start at the top and scroll down naturally .. I hope they give us an option, currently back on the old version till they do

    • benjimac93's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      bradavon Agreed. Top down is awful and inconsistent in app. At least give us a setting to choose!

      • MichaelJCollins's avatar
        Copper Contributor



        I concur. This behavior is an atrocity as replies to a post in channel are still newest at bottom, but the order of the posts themselves are new at top.  And chats are still newest at bottom meaning this is very inconsistent.  Also, choice is power. This is a very easy checkbox under settings and they couldn't be bothered to give it to us.

    • robbbreckenridge's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      How can I revert back? I use multiple Instant Messaging apps (Slack, Discord, Teams) and it is insanely confusing to have Teams work backwards to common convention.
      • BellaZaryah's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        If you don't have the ability to toggle it on/off, you can't revert back. There's no point, anyway, because MS is forcing it on everyone soon. Hopefully once it rolls out completely, they will have provided us the option to choose the message order.
    • Xeleema's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Not being able to configure this option is an abhorrent design decision.
      So . . . par for the course for Microsoft 😕
    • BellaZaryah's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      I work on a team of 90+ of tech support advisors, and we're all quick to try out new features, so we can be prepared for user questions. I've just implemented this on my Teams app using the toggle feature for "Try the new Teams" to test it out, as has more than half of my team. Some of us are able to return to the "old" version, while some of us cannot, myself included. 99% of us absolutely abhor this new top-down approach. This does NOT follow common IM standards, i.e., FB Messenger (not FB feed), WhatsApp, other Messages apps, etc. Email, (Outlook, as the op mentioned), is basically the ONLY exception, aside from other Social Media sites, as mentioned in other posts, which are also, not true IM apps. Also, with email, we have the option to sort our mail newest on top, or oldest on top. With this new Teams, we don't have that choice. If you want to provide a top-down approach to the messages, fine, but at least give us the option to choose if we want to use it.
